Van Halen - How Many Say I Lyrics

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Artist: Van Halen
Van Halen Author
Album: Van Halen 3 (1998)
Van Halen - Van Halen 3 Album
Song Title: How Many Say I
Genre: Rock
Visits: 756
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Are you ever so silent, when she wanted to talk?
Or couldn't keep quiet, when she needed a hug
Come on too strong, when a little's too much
How many, how many, say I
Go on and say yes, and really mean no
Would you rather guess, when you just don't know
And then say I love you, but aren't willing to show
How many, how many, say I
How many, how many, say I

How many say I, how many say I
How many say I, how many say I

Say live and let live, so quick to judge
Slow to forgive, when you're holding a grudge
Don't always believe, all you need is love
How many, how many, say I
How many, how many, say I
How many, how many, say I

How many say I, how many say I
How many say I, how many say I
How many say I, how many say I
How many say I, how many say I

(String Solo)

Have you ever looked down when the homeless walked by?
Or changed the channel when you saw a hungry child?
Know something to be true, then deny it
How many, how many, say I
How many, how many, say I
How many, how many, say I

How many say I, how many say I
How many say I, how many say I
How many say I, how many say I
How many say I, how many say I

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  • Light Up The Sky
    "Yeah, we're all fast breakers comin' out of the gates
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    Yeah, there is a way with beauty, but you never gave
    a love cross the line where none return...."
  • D.O.A.
    "We was broke and hungry on a summer day.
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  • Women In Love....
    "My heart, you're breakin' my heart
    Girl, you better start thinkin' somethin' real
    Seems like lovin' you is just a crazy dream
    But do as you feel..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Van Halen 3" album, click "Van Halen Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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