Van Morrison - Nobody Really Knows Lyrics

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Artist: Van Morrison
Van Morrison Author
Song Title: Nobody Really Knows
Visits: 606
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1968, Van Morrison guitar & vocals, Tom Kielbania (?) bass
We stood outside the city,
six feet in the snow,
and everyone was stranded
and I stopped to say, hello.
Everybody kept on walkin'
who didn't have no place to go.
Everybody kept on walkin'
that had no place to go,
and everybody's talkin'
but nobody really knows,
nobody really knows.

And say, I think you'll stay awhile,
you know just where it's at.
Pull up a chair and
stay awhile,
we'll give ya' tit for tat.
I said, You know something,
I'm not sure I really like that.
I said, You know something,
I believe I'll grab my coat and hat.
I got outside,
down in the street below, and everybody started walkin'
that didn't have no place to go,
and everybody's talkin'
but nobody, nobody really know, no,
nobody really know.

And say you think you're really good for us.
We know you are and it's true,
ain't nobody can do more for you
than we can do.
We can give ya' money,
watch you spend it all the time,
and make sure
you don't
ride on down the line.
I said, I believe I won't
'cause I ain't got no place to go.
I'm just stranded and I'm walkin',
and I don't have no place to go,
and everybody's talkin'
but nobody, nobody really know,
nobody really know.

And they say, Sing the song one more time
'cause I really believe I know what it means,
I was with you last night
when you wrote it in your dreams.
I said, Is that right?
can you be so complete?
Y', you can't stop talkin'
every time you move your feet.
You know that we're all stranded,
we ain't got no place to go.
We are stranded here
in the city in the snow,
and everybody's talkin'
but nobody really knows,
nobody really know.
Everybody's talkin',
everybody's talkin',
everybody's talkin',
and everybody's talkin' but
nobody really know.
Everybody's talkin' but
nobody, nobody really know,
they just pretend they know.
Nobody really know.

(Transcribed by ear, so corrections are welcome

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