Van Morrison - The Back Room Lyrics

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Artist: Van Morrison
Van Morrison Author
Song Title: The Back Room
Genre: Folk
Visits: 729
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In the back room (in the back room)
In the back room (in the back room)
I waited for you (waited for you)
Ya waited for me (waited for me)
Rain came down, pitter-pat
Say, what you think, it's raining outside
You said, So what
You turned the record player on, had a smoke
Stood up, walked across to the joint in a cloud of mist
Couldn't resist

A kitty stepped in the hall and she rapped the door
Found the key in the letter box, she turned the door
Walked into the room and said, What's goin' on?
I just got back from down the road
Gotta couple a bottles of wine, somethin' to turn you on

What-a you think of that? (think of that, girl)
(Think of that girl)
I said, Sit down cat, pull up a seat, you're soakin' wet
Take off your coat and hat, wipe your feet on the mat

In the back room (in the back room)
In the back room (in the back room)
I waited for you (waited for you)
Ya waited for me (waited for me)

I said, What time is it Charlie, where did we go all day?
Seem to get nowhere and do nothin' but sit lookin' at each other
He said, I know, I been doin' the same thing for weeks
I look at the clock and all of a sudden I'm hypnotized
It speaks to me, it goes tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock, ah-huh The kid he said, I don't know what you guys do but I been workin'
so hard, lately that I can just only fall asleep in bed
So he played some more sounds and grooved a while
Somebody brought out some cherry wine, cherry wine
And we talked about what was goin' on in the music world
And other things
Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha

The rain outside came down like it came never before
Down, came down, it came, rain rain rain
And I said, Baby what time is it, what time is it, tell me what time is it?
Ah, four-thirty

So I peeked 'round the corner, the blind
An' there ya go, there's another girl that's comin' home from school
Lookin' so cool, just learned her A's to Z's
And said,
Hey man don't look funny, all the little girls comin' home from school
And they're sittin', talkin' and drinkin' and all them other funny things

And Charlie said to me, Ya know what? I said, What?
He said, Man you gotta go out there and do somethin' for yourself
Feel like you wanna make it or else you gonna be sittin' 'round here like,
I said, You're right, I said You're so right
He said, I know ha
I said, Do ya?
Said, You know you're cuttin' records, cuttin' records right
You come through that
An' just through all the time you're gonna be out on the road
I'm out on the backseat man, on the, on the highway
And the colors are gonna run
All of a sudden don't ya feel safe the next gig, you gotta make it
I said, Yeah I feel safe

I said, Yeah you know I can't stay here all the time as much as I'd like to
But, I just learned about all day and all night
And dig sounds, and go down to the river
And once the artists go through the motions
Gotta do my thing, aah-ah (in the back room) ah-ah
Gotta do my thing (in the back room)
In the back room (in the back room)
In the back room (in the back room)

(Transcribed by ear; corrections requested and welcomed!

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