Van Morrison - There There Child Lyrics

Lyrics Directory>> V>> Van Morrison Singer Lyrics>> There There Child Song Lyrics
Artist: Van Morrison
Van Morrison Author
Song Title: There There Child
Genre: Folk
Visits: 568
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There there child, there there child
Don't it make you feel alright
There there child, don't it all look good tonight
And you feel like going but you gotta stay
Ain't no time for to hop on a freight train
And you feel like laying in the morning hay
'Cause it's time for a nap now, before rain
There there child, don't it make you satisfied
There there child, you can rest your weary eyes
And you feel like walking on a mountain top
Or a ride on a boat up the river
And the last lonely sheep has returned to the flock
As you wing over the white cliffs of Dover

There there child, there's a glint in your eye for surprise
There there child, are you ready to don your disguise, yes you are
Sun goes down across the pond and the wind, wind is blowing wild
And the swallow soars and the lion roars
Outside your front door, by the oak tree in the meadow

There there child, there there child
Are you ready to don your disguise
There there child, there's a glint in your eye for surprise
Do you feel like walking on a mountain top
Or ride on a boat up the river
And the last lonely sheep has returned to the flock
As you wing over the white cliffs of Dover

As you wing over the white cliffs of Dover, straight ahead
As you wing over the white cliffs of Dover, straight ahead
You wing over the white cliffs of Dover

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Other Van Morrison song Lyrics
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    In September when the leaves, come falling down..."
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    Red sports car comes driving down the road
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    And a story does unfold..."
  • Reminds Me of You
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    Seems like my heart, is breaking in two
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  • New Biography
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Philosopher's Stone (CD 1)" album, click "Van Morrison Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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