Vandals - What About Me? Lyrics
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What About Me? Song Lyrics
Song Title:
What About Me?
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Now the birds in the trees are deformed and diseased
and the leaves on the trees are wilting on the branch
there's no stars in the sky, cuz scars on my eyes won't heal thanks to you-
And the sun is obscured since you told me those words-that you can't be with me,
and you got to be free cuz your selfish and rude, with a bad attitude-but you can't see.
And what about me?
Oh baby don't, don't, don't, don't do what you think you should do-
Because it won't, won't, won't, won't be what I want it to be to
Repeat after me "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry"
Repeat after me "It was all my fault again"
"And I will stay, stay, stay, stay right here with you-and I will say, say, say, say whatever you tell me to."
This is me now "You are forgiven"
This is me now "Things are fine again, you see."
It wasn't that hard.
Remember, Remember, Remember, What about me?
Now the sun has arrived, and the birds that all died are alive and revived
and chirping in the branches
Cuz you made up your mind, just barley in time
Let's not take any chances-
Cuz you're restless again, and you want it to end
but I can't let you leave, cuz you promised to me
and you'd do what I say, and you said that you'd stay
You said that you'd stay
And what about me?
Oh baby don't, don't, don't, don't do what you think you should do-
Because it won't, won't, won't, won't be what I want it to be to
Repeat after me "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry"
Repeat after me "I "state your name" love you"
it's the truth you see
Remember, Remember, Remember, What about me?
What about me?
What About Me? Lyrics
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She looked at me and I looked and smiled,
The cutest girl you could ever see,..."
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Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious,
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Denying access to our town by TV's "G.E. Smith"
The Mayor cited nightmares had by his daughter Eileen
She dreamed that ugly fucker's face popped out the friggin' screen..."
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