Vanessa Williams - You Are My Home Lyrics

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Artist: Vanessa Williams
Vanessa Williams Author
Song Title: You Are My Home
Visits: 562
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All of my life
I been searching
For someone to find me
I have been looking
Waiting for your arms
To pull Me

You took Me
In from the cold
And out of the dark
You have taken Me
Into your heart


You are my home
You are the one that I come to
You are the shelter I run to
To keep Me safe from the cold
You are my home
You are the love
that completes me
You are the touch
That has freed Me
I look in your eyes
And I know
You are my home

You were the light in the window
When I couldnt find my way
You led my heart to
Want them to place me
Here besides you

You are were I always will be
You are where I belong
I've been looking for you
For so long

You are my home
You are the one that I come to
You are the shelter I run to
To keep Me safe from the cold
You are my home
You are the love
that completes me
You are the touch
That has freed Me
I look in your eyes
And I know
You are my home

And I'll never be alone


Baby, baby
Baby, You are my home

I look in your eyes
Te miro a los ojos
Y me haces sentir
Baby, Baby, Baby, Baby
You are my home
You are my home

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