Various - Score Tonight Lyrics

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Artist: Various
Song Title: Score Tonight
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The official song of the england team in world cup 98
how does it feel to be on top of the world
now it's for real, you're the top of the world
you're the top of the world
looking like it's going to happen
knowing that the time is right
with pride on our side and the passion
we've got the glory in our sights
in streets all over the nation
are goals we painted on the walls
where all our hopes and expectations
are the world inside a ball
inside a ball
so how does it feel to be on top of the world
now it's for real, you're the top of the world
you're the top of the world
These are the ties that bind us
everyone is part of the team
leaving our worried behind us
'cause we're sharing the same dream
it's time to dream
goals are flying in we've made the news
'cause we were born to win, we can't lose
we can't lose
how does it feel to be on top of the world
now it's for real, you're the top of the world
you're the top of the world
looking like it's going to happen
knowing that the time is right
with pride on our side and the passion
we've got the glory in our sights
in streets all over the nation
are goals we painted on the walls
where all our hopes and expectations
are the world inside a ball
inside a ball
how does it feel to be on top of the world
now it's for real, you're the top of the world
how does it feel to be on the top of the world
now it's for real, you're the top of the world
england, england, forever england
love you forever england.
(repeat to fade)

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