Various Artists - Facade Lyrics

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Artist: Various Artists
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Song Title: Facade
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There's a face that we wear
In the cold light of day-
It's society's mask,
It's society's way,
and the truth is
That it's all a facade!

There's a face that we hide
Till the nighttime appears,
And what's hiding inside,
Behind all of our fears,
Is our true self,
Locked inside the facade!

Every day
People, in their own sweet way,
Like to add a coat of paint,
And be what they ain't!

That's how our little-
Game is played,
Livin' out a masquerade,
Actin' a bizarre charade-
While playin' the saint!

But there's one thing I know,
And I know it for sure:
This disease that we've got
Has got no ready cure!
And I'm certain
Life is terribly hard-
When your life's a facade!

Look around you!
I have found
You cannot tell, by lookin' at the surface,
What is lurkin' there beneath it!
See that face!
Now, I'm prepared to bet you,
What you see's not what you get-
'Cause man's a master of deceit!

So, what is theis sinister secret?
The lie he will tell you is true?
It's that each man you meet
In the street
Isn't one man, but two!

Nearly everyone you see-
Like him an' her,
An' you, an' me-
Pretends to be
A pillar of society-
A model of propriety-
An' piety-
Who shudders at the thought
Of notoriety!

The ladies and gents 'ere before you-
Which none of 'em ever admits-
May 'ave saintly looks-
But they're sinners and crooks.


There are preachers who kill!
There are killers who Preach!
There are teachers who lie!
There are liars who teach!
Take yer pick, Dear-
'Cause it's all a facade!

If we're not one, but two,
are we evil or good?
Do we walk the fine line-
That we'd cross, if we could?
Are we waiting-
To break through the facade?

One or two
Might look kinda well-to-do -
Hah! They're as bad as me an' you,
Right down to their boots!

I'm inclined to think-
Half mankind
Thinks the other half is blind!
Wouldn't be surprised to find-
They're all in cahoots!

At the end of the day,
They don't mean what they say,
They don't say what they mean,
They don't ever come clean-
And the answer-
Is it's all a facade!

Man is not one, but two.
He is evil and good,
An' he walks the fine line
We'd all cross, if we could!

It's a nightmare-
We can never discard-
So we stay on ouron our guard-
Though we love the facade-
What's behind the facade?
Look behind the facade!

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