Various Artists - The Ladys Paying Lyrics

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Artist: Various Artists
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Song Title: The Ladys Paying
Visits: 482
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Norma:Hurry up, the birthday boy is on his way.
This is a surprise celbration
I hope you've remembered everything I said
I want to see a total transformation.

Joe:what's all this?
Norma:Happy birthday, darling. Did you think we'd forgotten?
Joe:Well, thanks I...
Norma:These people are from the best men shops in town. I had them
close it
down for the day.
Joe: Norma, now listen...
Norma:I'll leave you boys to it..

Manfred:Happy birthday, welcome to your
Joe:What's going on?
Manfred:Help yourself, it's all been taken care of.
Anyone who's anyone is dressed by me
Joe:Well, golly gee.
Manfred:Pick out anything you'd like a pair of
You just point, I'll do the rest
I've brought nothing but the best
You're a very lucky writer
Come along now, get undressed
Unless I'm much mistaken
That's a 42-inch chest
Joe:I don't understand a word you're saying.
Manfred:well, all you need to know's the lady's paying.
It's nice to get your just reward this time of
Joe:get outa here!
Manfred:And all my merchandise is strictly kosher.
When you've thrown away all your old
Worn-out stuff.
Joe:Hey, that's enough
Manfred:perhaps you'd like to model for my

I have just the thing for you.
Chalk-stripe suits
1st s/man:In black
2nd s/man:Or blue
3rd s/man:Green plaid trousers
4th s/man:Cashmere sweaters
5th s/man:Bathing shorts for Malibu
6th s/man:Here's a patent leather lace-up
it's a virtuoso shoe.
Manfred:And a simply marvelous coat made of
Joe:You know what you can do with your
Norma:Come on Joe, you haven't even started yet.
Joe:You wanna bet?
Norma:I thought by know you'd look the height of
He always take forever making up his mind.
(To Joe)Don't be unkind
I thought you writers knew about
I love flannel on a man
Manfred:This will compliment his tan.
Norma:we'll take two of these and four of those
Manfred:I'm still your greatest fan!
Very soon i'll will have stopped him
Looking Like an also-ran
Joe:you're going to make me sorry that I'm
Norma:well, all right, I'll choose, after all, I'm
Manfred:Evening clothes?
Norma:I want to see your most deluxe
Joe:won't wear a tux
Norma:of course not, dear, tuxedos are for
Manfred:What we need are tails, a white tie and top
Joe:I can't wear that.
Norma:Joe, second rate clothes are for second-
I'm sick to death of that
Same old station filling shirt
And that boring baggy jacket
Stained with yesterday's dessert
Joe:I don't have to go to premiers
I'm never on display.
You seem to forget that I'm a writer
Who cares what you wear when you're a
Norma:I care, Joe, and please don't be so mean
To me.
Joe:O.K. all right
Norma:you'll be prince charming at my new year's
Joe:I've been invited somewhere else on new
Year's eve.
Norma:But that's our night.
Joe:I always see the new year in with Artie.
Norma:I can't do without you, Joe, I need you
I sent out every single invitation.
Joe:All right, Norma, I give in
Norma:of course you do.
And when they've dressed you, you'll cause
A sensation.
Salesmen:We equip the chosen few of movieland.
Manfred:(The latest cut)
Salesmen:we dress every movie star and crooner.
From their shiny toecaps to your hatband
Manfred:(Conceal your gut)
You won't regret selecting the Vicuna.
Salesmen:If you need a hand to shake
If there's a girl you want to make
If there's a soul you're out to capture
Or a heart you want to break
If you want the world to love you
Manfred:You'll have to learn to take
Samlesmen:You must decide what part you are
Manfred:And certain parts are worth the lady
Salesmen:And why not have it all, the lady's paying

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