Vassago - Godforsaken Lyrics

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Artist: Vassago
Song Title: Godforsaken
Visits: 633
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A dark cloud is rising on the horizon, the skies are glowing in fiery red,

The North and the South, East and West, have sworn allegiance to the armies

Of Death

Burning rivers, dried-up oceans, desert lakes, and wasted plains

Crumbling hills, tumbling mountains, charcoal trees, columns inflamed

We stand and look at the works of Hell

Boastful and proud, we've performed them well!


One last look at the earth, god

While it still stands as the realm that you claimed

Satan's armies are charging

And when we are through, it will never be the same

Holocaust winds devastating the churches, believers buried under sacred stone

The mild and the meek, the weak and the feeble, exterminated one by one

Nuns violated by ghoulish hordes, monks castrated with razor-sharp swords

Graves re-opening and taking in the whole bastard brood of the Nazarene

We look about, not one soul anymore

Willing to hail the son of the whore!


One last glance at your herds, god

While they still look upon you and sheepishly pray

A memory of brainless devotion

Will be all you are left with, we will sweep them away



Raped holy virgins giving birth to snakes, angels impaled on a million stakes

Prophets with eyes and tongues cut out, no more lies will ever pour out of

Their mouths,

Demons feasting on the fruits of Eden, cherubs and seraphs tortured and bleeding

Howling soldiers soiling your throne, desecrating the altar you're crouching on

We look around, orgastic glee

The powers of evil, eternally free!


A last glimpse round heaven, god

The Paradise meadows, peaceful, serene

They will be a raging inferno

When the unsaintly armies are marching in

Dare look at me, one look in my eyes, and i'll spare your worthless,

Miserable life

No brave deed demanded of thee, just one brief look, and you will go free

Yet I know you won't, horrified of the spell, you can never look into the

Face of hell

Cowardly grovelling in front of Me, face hidden in dust, sight of misery

I spit on you and I crush your skull

Victory, triumph, once and for all!

And now

Dare look at Me, god

Your conqueror, your master, your Lord I am

Remember the words I have spoken,

I will never serve you - non serviam!



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