Vaux - Everyday Lyrics

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Artist: Vaux
Song Title: Everyday
Visits: 651
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The chances are you've had enough

The feelings come from giving up

We see you paring


The chances are on your

And the feelings alright

Were burning you

Turn on turned on

Hold on everything

Attach the cord to go

Hard to let it go when its on

Don't turn the key just yet

Im getting tired now

hard to stay awake when its on

Cause everyday is second best

Watching more its such a mess

Further bent and further blown

And everyday blends with the last

Routine check-ups manifest

All my time in all my will

Take the time, for us to save mine

Until its all, gone back and layed to rest

I lift away

Your over lovely and its nothing to me -x2

then why don't we stay then why don't we go

My guess is cause Were sentimental

You sit on the ice with no where to turn

i can't help but think were gonna burn -x2

just play around

your strung enough

it does my job

you kiss my lips

this sending

its good to all

its peace to watter

you with the shark

close the door

the kitchen knives

Are quiet now. my boddy numb

The chances are you've had enough

The feelings come from giving up

We see you paring


Hold on everything

Attach the cord to go

Hard to let it go when its so

Everyday is second best

Watching more its such a mess

Further bent and further blown

And everyday blends with the last

Routine check-ups manifest

All my time in all my will

then why don't we stay

then why don't we go

my guess is cause

were sentimental

we sit on the ice

with no where to turn

i can't help but think were gonna burn -x3

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Other Vaux song Lyrics
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    And I'm fucking gold.
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    and I know I'll never die old..."
  • On Love And Cars
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    Punch the dash, red light on empty.
    Why stop, lets take it slow.
    I wanna get you to go...."
  • Fame
    "I've been to New York City
    And I walked the weakest roads.
    Seen L.A. and its perfect salesman,
    All dressed in holy robes...."
  • Switched On
    "Forget all that you know.
    It's all staged, all part of the show.
    Give me something new.
    Leave me black and blue...."
  • At Your Will
    "You look awake and I can't let go.
    But those eyes are blank, and you can't be free from yourself.
    A room dressed in white, but you'll never know.
    I stand by your side. And you can't be free from yourself...."
  • Ride Out Bitch
    "You can't hold on to the air I'm breathing.
    Why can't you just get over it.
    And you can not have the sights I'm seeing.
    Why can't you just get over it...."
  • Broke The Brakes
    "I made the field and the wall
    And I will watch it grow.
    Till towers crumble and fall
    And waters no longer flow...."
  • Paint It Red
    "Cause there I a house made of black stone,
    And it sits at the end of the road.
    I'd paint it red and it's forgotten.
    Some say. That I'd disappear..."

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