Vaux - Shot In The Back Lyrics

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Artist: Vaux
Song Title: Shot In The Back
Genre: Alternative
Visits: 628
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And we go, where the words are found.
All the sayings, that we care about.
And I run, when you say,
that your word is the only honest way.

I can't wake,
Can't wake up.
I can't sleep,
Can't sleep.

Wake up,
Wake up,
Wake up.

So quickly dated.
You play the saint, I'll imitate it.
All that we hope for, so bow down.
The shot is your priest.

Why wait, I feel like god inside your embrace.
I'd be the gun as you are shot, shot, shot in the back.
I see the sun in splinters.
Why wait.

All the times,
All the ways,
And it cuts you from the start.
All the scars,
All the stains,
And it cuts into your side.
I've been down,
I've been saved,
And it hurts me everyday.
I bend down,
I'm a slave.

I can't wake,
Can't wake up.
I can't sleep.
Can't sleep.

Wake up,
Wake up,
Wake up.

I can't delay it.
We all go out medicated.
Can't change a timeline, so bow down.
The shot is release.

Why wait, I feel like god inside your embrace.
I'd be the gun as you are shot, shot, shot in the back.
I see the sun in splinters.
Why wait.

Shot, shot, shot in the back.
I see the sun in splinters.
Shot, shot, shot in the back.
I'd be the gun as you are shot, shot, shot in the back.
I feel like god inside your :
Shot, shot, shot in the back.

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  • At Your Will
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  • Ride Out Bitch
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    Why can't you just get over it.
    And you can not have the sights I'm seeing.
    Why can't you just get over it...."
  • Broke The Brakes
    "I made the field and the wall
    And I will watch it grow.
    Till towers crumble and fall
    And waters no longer flow...."
  • Paint It Red
    "Cause there I a house made of black stone,
    And it sits at the end of the road.
    I'd paint it red and it's forgotten.
    Some say. That I'd disappear..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "There Must Be Some Way To Stop Them" album, click "Vaux Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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