Velvet Acid Christ - Hullucinagene Lyrics

Lyrics Directory>> V>> Velvet Acid Christ Singer Lyrics>> Hullucinagene Song Lyrics
Artist: Velvet Acid Christ
Velvet Acid Christ Author
Song Title: Hullucinagene
Genre: Alternative
Visits: 1463
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i steal the night, i hope the live

i watch you die, i won't deny

i pull the leg, i copulate

you know the time is waiting

from the start, until the end

you broke my heart, i don't need you

i don't need you

i don't need you

now steal the time of your life

and your brain will fall out on the floor

push it round, kick it down

never mind the bullshit

let's get this show on the road

you'll see what you want to see

you'll dream what you want to dream

just follow me, and take some lsd

you soar, you feel the time fly by like a rock

into my brain, into the sun, it's the plight

you got my heart and the vision of the sacred cow

bleeding eyeballs, and bleeding stumpy legs

pushed in the middle of this vision

that you hold onto your brain

see a man at a kitchen table with a knife

he's gonna fucking kill his wife

with the twelve-gauge knife

don't you know it's time to run away

from the crazy game of life?

don't you know how to get away?

it don't always play so fair

so the knife will cut you down

what you do is on your time

this is the shitty life

you talk about no compromise

drive a car it's sexy like that

don't you know you're fucking fat?

all day, you crushed a million faces

you crush, you crushed a million faces

they seep through the wall

they cross you, your call

to the door, and open up inside, back into my head

i can't take this

you never took the time

to see the light then wonder why

the chemical reaction in your head is so insane

don't delay, don't delay, don't fake

you'll see what you want to see

we both know how it goes, so just pretend

pushed in the face, in the disgrace

it's all over the place, it's the vision

it's the government, it's the drug

it's the nightmare of the dea

'cause your children don't care anymore

the children don't care anymore

they fake it on tv, you'll fake it on tv

you'll fake it on tv, you fake it on tv

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Other Velvet Acid Christ song Lyrics
  • Dark Lights
    "our father, who aren't in heaven
    hollow be thy name
    thy kingdom cum, thy will be done
    on earth, as it is in hell..."
  • The Hopeless
    "a force fed lie, our dead dream
    awake upon a staircase
    start looking downward into hell
    where the last life screamed and we screeched..."
  • Serial Killer 101
    "Four tears in my eyes
    Acid eats through my skin
    We broke away the time
    Just to live a life of sin..."
  • Revolution 101
    "psycho driven insanity
    of man and machine
    a technological thriller
    based on a psycho killer..."
  • Intussusception
    "this is now, we live
    so cold, and lifeless
    just sitting here
    with my head between my legs..."
  • Masked Illusion
    "hallucinate, devastate
    your weak-minded state
    so you crawl on the floor and grasp at the wires
    and crush your head with a ten pound lie..."
  • Thought Criminal
    "darkness again
    sleeping upside down
    on a pillow of nails
    push it, smile..."
  • Plasmodium
    "crawl in a world
    with a vision thing
    they drool on the floor
    in the translucent reality..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Church Of Acid" album, click "Velvet Acid Christ Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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