Velvet Chain - Medicine Man Lyrics

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Artist: Velvet Chain
Song Title: Medicine Man
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J. Stacy S. Storey

Cabin on a cruise with a window chair - Nowhere to go, so you might as well go there - Organizing letters, pictures of your long lost friends - Staring out the window, looking for the medicine man...

Man-o-man what you need is the medicine man... Ooooo - gotta find him, if you can...

You got a thing for pain, but you never felt like this before - Still got money, feel down and dirty poor - Traveling lighter, just taking what you need - Sleeping all hours, sleep-walking in between...
Man-o-man what you need is the medicine man... Ooooo - gotta find him, if you can...

Oooo, medicine man -- you cure my condition - Oooo, do what you can -- you talk and I'll listen... To the medicine man...

Oooo, you were all the rave, baby in your day, you were really something...

You really gave it to them - you just walked right through them... oh yeaah....

All the women talked about you, the men loved to see you - then...

Oooo, you were the one to watch, the debutante that made it happen...

Oooooooooo, you can live again...

You need the medicine man... Need the medicine man... Man-o-man... you gotta get the medicine man.

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Other Velvet Chain song Lyrics
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    The demons and vamps always come around
    To satisfy lust for the kill
    To feed on the living, and love evil..."
  • Beyond Time
    "J. stacy b. reardon
    Well you try to see beyond time... to face the questions you have now
    You want to see what's in the grand design... well it's a crime to see that now
    We can never let you down, if you're out of town... the world would not admit you... you have run aground... your ship is passing near... you are out of here... your life will now submit to you...."
  • Buffy The Vampire Slayer
    "With forces of darkness abound
    The demons and vamps
    Always come around
    To satisfy lust for the kill..."
    "You've always been close to me
    Even when we disagreed
    I've got that weakness for you
    Doesn't matter what you do..."
    "Won't you come see me now, my love
    Are you thinking of me
    And how easy it could be
    Won't you come over to me now..."
    "I had a dream I could leave you behind
    Looking back over my cold shoulder
    Little girl stepping down to the river
    You call for me but I do not answer..."
  • FRENCHIE (Crazy Music)
    "I see you at the show, ok?
    Ok, bye bye
    I love that crazy music
    I love that crazy music..."
  • FRENCHIE (extended mix)
    "I love that crazy music
    I love that sound
    I love that crazy music
    Wow, that stuff trips me out..."

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