Velvet Teen - Counting Backwards Lyrics
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Velvet Teen Singer Lyrics
Counting Backwards Song Lyrics
Velvet Teen
Song Title:
Counting Backwards
Print Version
Maybe tomorrow marks the end
Of this painful phase we're in
Maybe the sunrise shows the way for us
Maybe the stars that fill your eyes
Are the stars that have been
Leading me my whole life
Just to end up with you
But when you get so close
I run and hide
Close your eyes, count backwards
I don't give up
Without a fight
Here i come, I'll find you
And love, I'm yours
If you'll turn me out
When you need me, I'll be there
We hide and seek
But always leave hand in hand
Maybe this chapter marks the start
Of no more broken hearts
Maybe the letters all spell out happiness
Maybe the words aren't always kind
But they're never meant
To make you feel alone
Just to stand up to you
And I'll carry you
If you promise to carry me
We'll carry we
It's a simple thing
You and me
Counting Backwards Lyrics
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Other Velvet Teen song Lyrics
A Captive Audience
"i'm gonna make it go away, like it never happened
like the author ran out of ink, before you got to me
it doesn't matter, you have your answer
my breath upon yer hand..."
A Special Gift To You
"Two x's connected by a dotted line
A special gift to you
One representing where you are
And what is left to do..."
Caspian Can Wait
"he waits for the greater silence
as every day goes faster
a cipher he knows too well
of killing himself by looking closer..."
"When my time has come
I won't put up a fight
I'll hold my breath and let it wash over me
And all the words we said..."
Four Story Tantrum
"she lives in a four story tantrum
for a long face
the house that her parents hand-crafted for her
a trashcan, a toilet is all that she sees inside..."
Into the Open
Milo 7
"she always trembles / at the blissfully depressed / desiring the desireless / she's always seaching / for herself in someone else / lonely when she's all she needs / she'll cry a thousand paper tears / and throw down her kerosene of vacant fears / we're all the match wishing we were the flame / we represent each moment in every day
he always trembles / at the thought of getting old / running out of time and ideas / he's always waiting / for the moment to be right / impatient when it's always there / he'll take a thousand empty pills / and swallow the void that they'll never fill / he's got to break out / no matter what the cost / we represent all the ones who feel lost...
cuz we're all the same worn, empty cup / we're never content, but we never give up / jumping off cliffs, opening our arms / and hoping to fly... / running around the same old track, / never getting any closer, / but we never look back / we're just trying to leave behind / something beautiful before we've gone
she always trembles / at the blissfully depressed / desiring the desireless / he's always waiting / for the moment to be right / impatient when......"
Naked Girl
you will be my shield
you'll be the only thing
anyone ever sees..."
...Show All
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