Vengeance Rising - Before The Time Lyrics

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Artist: Vengeance Rising
Vengeance Rising Author
Album: Destruction Comes (1991)
Vengeance Rising - Destruction Comes Album
Song Title: Before The Time
Genre: Metal: Heavy
Visits: 607
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Follow Me, let the dead bury their own dead

Have not fear, I Am here, this is what He said

When He had come unto the other side

They cried out, gripped in fear knowing the time line

Swept away, by the terror that a man should have

Learn from demon forces this lesson and

You will be, if you see, one among the wise

In the age, we are in just before the time

When I say "see" I mean to change

Based on the facts, you re-arrange

Just what you do, who for, and why

Learn from the pig's before the time

The demons recognized Jesus on sight

They screamed in fear and shook in fright

Confused in their madness, it's pigs they choose

The snakes of confusion, ala Lucifuge

Here is why you should change, and not delay

Check it out, they understood the whole thing

Torment is for the ones who reject God's sign

The resurrection, and for the lie

You've got the time to make the change

That is, you've got right now today

To live and serve, the Holy King

You do not know what a day may bring

The time is coming, there'll be no delays

God has stretched out His hand that you might be saved

No reason is good enough to wait

Repent to God, don't hesitate!

The torment is coming, just a matter of dying

The peace in Christ's here and I'm not lying

Salvation God offers and you can't pay a dime

That's the gig, this is it, but there's one more line

The time is coming

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    And in my mind, where ever it was, I rolled it over
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    Just then a smile came in, to the half that was not fried..."
  • Human Sacrifice
    "Diety's blood, spilled for you
    For indeed Christ was our passover
    Hanging on a bloodied cross
    A bloodied cross..."
  • Burn
    "Burn, Satan, burn
    Burn, Satan, burn
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    There are only two sides, no inbetweeners hope..."
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    Cause you need to buy some buds and some beer
    You won't be doin nothing cause you spent up all your money
    So you smoke until you choke and drink your beer all alone..."
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