Vengeance Rising - Tion Lyrics

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Artist: Vengeance Rising
Vengeance Rising Author
Album: Released Upon The Earth (2000)
Vengeance Rising - Released Upon The Earth Album
Song Title: Tion
Genre: Metal: Heavy
Visits: 599
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Now I hope you know the lyrics

'Cause that's what's important anyway

These are the words of the Most High God

Understand what He says

The rock below is solid so be sure you stand and you wont fall

Under the blows of the hypocrite, the cultist, or the law

Now I'm tired of hearing "the word's too big"

The Holy Spirit chose them all, move on

What it when you're given righteousness for sin

And you know you don't deserve it?


And how do you get in to God's family and then

You are a child of God? Before you weren't


And what's word for Holy that blows this notion of hypocrisy down

By the ignorant of doctrine?


These aren't Christian "e's"

Learn 'em better than your A,B,C,'s

In your mind cause them be

The Doctrines of Salvation

TION T.I.O.N. TION The Doctrines of Salvation

What do I mean you should of been damned but your

Freed due to what Christ has done for you?


Now sin is that we've fallen short of the glory so now report

How is it that you we're saved?


What is that there was a debt we couldn't pay

God paid to save our necks?


And what is it called, another word for forgiveness which we all

Needed to be Priests and Kings?


What is the term that God uses to confirm

That we are righteous to enter the kingdom?


And what is the point at which this all takes place?

And it is based on grace


And what describes faith in action, acknowledgement of sin

And that God alone can save you?


And what is the term that describes your new heart

That all must have in order to go to heaven?


And what is it called when you throw the old life off

Cause it offends the King of Kings?


TION T.I.O.N. TION The Doctrines of Salvation

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Other Vengeance Rising song Lyrics
  • The Rising
    "We are here, there shall be no stopping us
    Brothers understand, you have been sent
    I seek to strengthen you, cause I understand
    We are not here by our own hand..."
  • Before The Time
    "Follow Me, let the dead bury their own dead
    Have not fear, I Am here, this is what He said
    When He had come unto the other side
    They cried out, gripped in fear knowing the time line..."
  • Countless Corpses
    "In "Out of the will" we looked at the mercifulness of God
    And here we have the second half, for those who repent not
    In Nahum, after Jonah had long since then come and gone
    Assyria, had turned it's back on our Almighty God..."
  • Thanatos
    "Lying in the death trance, just before you die
    Silent screams of horror, as you realize
    Life on earth was not forever, as some how it seemed that way
    You're true friends were we the Christians who tried to warn you of this day..."
  • You Will Bow
    "Let's think about
    Let us now think, for a moment about we of Israel
    And are you one of us, here is how you can tell
    In your life, if you daily to the throne do bring..."
  • Raegoul
    "In a split second of time, I realize it is over at least that is this life
    And in my mind, where ever it was, I rolled it over
    How had I lived? And what had I done with my life in Christ?
    Just then a smile came in, to the half that was not fried..."
  • Human Sacrifice
    "Diety's blood, spilled for you
    For indeed Christ was our passover
    Hanging on a bloodied cross
    A bloodied cross..."
  • Burn
    "Burn, Satan, burn
    Burn, Satan, burn
    The separations coming, the sheep from the goats
    There are only two sides, no inbetweeners hope..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Released Upon The Earth" album, click "Vengeance Rising Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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