Vent - Remedy Lyrics

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Artist: Vent
Song Title: Remedy
Visits: 736
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hey can i borrow your fatih,
i think mines been misplaced,
you've found another addiction,
and now you think you're saved.

and i don't want to hear what they're feeding to me,
and a chance at what they're screaming to me,
and i don't want to see where life's leading me.
and i can't believe it.

there is zero fact to what you say,
following blinks of yesterday,
i dont' need thee answer and i don't need your remedy,

you feed me beliefs but i see an empty plate,
i'd say your remedy's guilt for living everyday.

and i don't want to hear what they're feeding to me,
and a chance at what they're screaming to me,
and i don't want to know what they're holding for me,
and i can't believe it.

there is zero fact to what you say,
following blinks of yesterday,
i don't need thee answer,
and i don't need your remedy.

there is zero fact to what you say,
following blinks of yesterday,
i don't need the answer,
and i don't need your remedy

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