Venus In Flames - Last Wish Lyrics

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Artist: Venus In Flames
Song Title: Last Wish
Visits: 603
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Hey there
How do you feel today
I heared you're about to go away
You're not looking so happy
I hope it has nothing to do with me

Because I've come around to your house just to talk to you
I've come around to your house just to hear the news
I've come around to make a fool of myself

Allow me to introduce myself
I'm the guy who wishes to be someone else
I don't really want to spoil your day
But it's gonna happen anyway

Because I've come around to your house just to talk to you
I've come around to your house just to hear the news
I've come around to make a fool of myself

Because I'm climbing up the wall
I jump up just to fall
And I'm not afraid to crawl
I'm gonna beat them all

Because you were always on my side
And we had nothing to hide
Now our secret's locked inside
I hope I'll get it out

Now all I need
Is someone to put
Me asleep and to wake me up
When you are gone

Calm down
How do you think I feel
To see you makes it so painfully real
Tell me how come you're so amused
Oh boy you're still easily confused

Because I've come around to your house just to talk to you
I've come around to your house just to hear the news
I've come around to your house just to talk to you
I've come around to make a fool of myself

I've come around to make a fool of myself

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  • I Beg My Heart To Let Go
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    But it's been our prison for too long..."
  • Just Another Day
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    Where you can't be found
    I know you can't run away from things
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  • Laughing Disease
    "Baby why don't you say something to me
    It's quite clear your mystery cannot be revealed
    Maybe I should try to listen carefully
    Whenever you're saying something sweet to me..."
  • ...Show All

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