Vera Lynn - A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square Lyrics

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Artist: Vera Lynn
Vera Lynn Author
Album: Yours (2005)
Vera Lynn - Yours Album
Song Title: A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square
Genre: Jazz
Visits: 860
Print Version

When two lovers meet in Mayfair So the legands tell
Songbirds sing and winter turns to spring
Every winding street in Mayfair falls beneath the spell
I know such enchantment can be
'cause it happened one evening to me

That certain night, the night we met,
there was magic abroad in the air,
There were angels dining at the Ritz
andA Nightingale Sang In Berkley Square
I may be right, I may be wrong,
but I'm perfectly willing to swear
That when you turn'd and smiled at me
A Nightingale Sang In Berkley Square

The moon that lingered over London town;
poor puzzled moon, he wore a frown
How could he know we two were so in love,
the whole darn world seemed upside down
The streets of town were paved with stars,
it was such a romantic affair,
And as we kissed and said goodnight,
A Nightingale Sang In Berkley Square


Our homeward step was just as light
as the tap dancing feet of Astair
And like an echo far away,
A Nightingale Sang In Berkley Square
I know 'cause I was there, that night in Berkley Square

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