Verve - No Knock On My Door Lyrics
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No Knock On My Door Song Lyrics
Song Title:
No Knock On My Door
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She knew my feelings were jangled and frayed
She took me into a wind blown alley way
She showed me a world a boy should see
I'll thank her 'till the day that I die
So, here we go
No knock on my door
Believe it 'till you see
what living has done to me
And I'm sure that I need holding
I took her to a room and I showed her myself
She made me feel proud that I would stand for
There's nothing that this girl wouldn't do for me
For that I've got to thank her and I mean it
So, here we go
A face in the crowd,
Jump up and jump down
Baby, can you see through me?
Sure, I've been here before
No knock on my door
No love in the
Baby, please be my
Sure, I've seen it before
No knock on my door
Love in the
Can be painful, I know
Cry, I cry every night
I need to hold you tight
Oh, can you see me
knocking down your door?
Sure, there's times I have hoped
There's times I have dreamed
Oh, but it seems that much to me to me, my love
I never seemed to it out, my love
I'm shakin'
Yeah, I'm shakin'
She knew my feelings were jangled and frayed
She took me into a wind blown alley way
She showed me what a boy should see
I'll thank her till the day I die
So, here we go
No knock on my door
Believe it till you see what livin' has done to me
And I'm sure I need some company
I took her to a room and I showed her myself
She made me feel proud and I was thankful
There's nothing that this girl wouldn't do for me
For that I've got to thank her I mean it
So, here we go
A face in the crowd
Jump up and jump down baby
You can see through me
Sure, I've been here before
No knock on my door
No love in the jar baby please be my star
Sure I've seen it before
No knock on my door
Love in the jar has been painful
I know
I know
Cry, I've cried every night
I need to hold you tight, baby
Could you see me knocking down your door
Sure there's times that I've gone and times I have dreamed
Oh, but it seems that I pushed you in my life
Can't seem to get it out my life
Yeah I'm shakin
And I'm shakin
No Knock On My Door Lyrics
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Other Verve song Lyrics
"My friend and me
Looking through her red box of memories
Faded I'm sure
But love seems to stick in her veins you know..."
The Rolling People
"I got one more life
Can you see it wasting away?
But I got a plan
Do you understand?..."
The Drugs Dont Work
"All this talk of getting old
It's getting me down my love
Like a cat in a bag, waiting to drown
This time I'm comin' down..."
Catching The Butterfly
"As though you were born
And so you thought
The future's ours
To keep and hold..."
Neon Wilderness
"In a neon wilderness
He was restless
Escape loneliness
Find a new address..."
Space And Time
"There ain't no space and time
To keep our love alive
We have existence and it's all we share
There ain't no real truth..."
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"When morning breaks
We hide our eyes and our love's aching
Nothing's strange
It was in our hands from 6 to 10..."
Lucky Man
More or less
It's just a change in me
Something in my liberty..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "A Northern Soul" album, click "
Verve Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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