Verve Pipe - Half A Mind Lyrics

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Artist: Verve Pipe
Song Title: Half A Mind
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sometimes i wish we had a short term memory just enough to recognize each other's face
it would be the same old stories but you're hanging onto every single word i have to say
and to the world i'm not that clever but you would stay with me forever
i'd keep your friends from reminding, reminding you to

save yourself, leave me behind you would if you had half a mind

i'd tell you every day's your birthday and every gift i bring could be the same
or how i stood beside you at a shotgun wedding and the child we once would love but never came
hearing stories that were never you would stay with me forever

but i'd forget to make money and you'd forget to

save yourself, leave me behind you would if you had half a mind (how vulnerable you are)
write a note to remind you you would if you had half a mind (how effortless to stay together)

for these ties you may have severed now you'll stay with me forever

and so you write on your forehead, or better yet you engrave
so when you look in the mirror, well you won't forget to

save yourself, leave me behind you would if you had half a mind (how vulnerable you are)
write a note to remind you you would if you had half a mind (how effortless to stay together)

if we had no memory whatsoever we would stay right here forever

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