VEX RED - The Closest Lyrics

Lyrics Directory>> V>> VEX RED Singer Lyrics>> The Closest Song Lyrics
Artist: VEX RED
Song Title: The Closest
Genre: Alternative
Visits: 719
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Just close your eyes
and sleep
Say what we both
know is inside you

If you want I'll leave
So much
It's all

Why can't we stop
Why make me fall away
why can't we die
why make me fall away

We were so true
We were pure

So hard
I was so hurt
I held you to
stop breaking down

I tried I wont take
Just close your eyes and sleep

Why can't we stop
Why make me fall away
Why can't we die
Why make me fall away

You breathed
So deep
You are
So deep

[Thanks to for these lyrics]

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Other VEX RED song Lyrics
  • Dermo
    "How long will I
    Have to wait here for you
    I need to be
    Content with what you choose..."
  • Cant Smile
    "Keep it real
    I know that something is wrong with you
    I am too impatient
    To wait for something new..."
  • Untitled
    "But I'm on fire
    You surround me
    You steal my breath
    Trapped inside here..."
  • Itch
    "You know I've always felt
    I ' m here with no one else
    I hear, I've come apart
    You've seen what's in my heart..."
  • Bully Me
    "Say something to me
    Tell me this is fake
    Forget compromise
    They just complicate..."
  • Start With a Strong Persistent Desire
    "Need some time, disinfect
    To purify what you have left
    Its all I have claim to be
    You ripped and fell away from me..."
  • Clone Jesus
    "So you think you've calmed down
    But your still the same now
    You think you can hide truth
    But its all inside you..."
  • Sleep Does Nothing For You
    "Thoughts that stay trapped inside my spirit
    Helps me to recognise I am
    Nothing like you believe
    Why do you want to question me constantly?..."
  • ...Show All
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Start With A Strong And Persistent Desire" album, click "VEX RED Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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