Vicious Crusade - Breath Of Life Lyrics

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Artist: Vicious Crusade
Vicious Crusade Author
Album: Forbidden Tunes (2002)
Vicious Crusade - Forbidden Tunes Album
Song Title: Breath Of Life
Genre: Metal
Visits: 547
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[Lyrics by Dmitry Basik & Alex Vertel]

Putting the stakes till the point when I lose.

Risking it all till I have to pay dues.

Fly real high till the day when I fall.

If tomorrow I die - does it matter at all?

If I burn then to the ashes I burn.

If I do the first step then I never return.

I fall in love for the very last time.

So what do I lose if tomorrow I die?


Take it all or lose it at once.

Taste it all - it can be your last chance.

If you got the wings - so why don't you fly?

If I live - then I live like tomorrow I die,

And I live like I live last day of my life.

On top speed, down the fastest highway,

Be it heaven or hell that I raise on my way,

Till last breath, on the full overdrive

I live every single day of my life.


...And I live like I live like tomorrow I ain't gonna die!

While I've got the way to go I ain't gonna stop this show.

While I've got the fuel to drive I ain't gonna stop my life.

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Other Vicious Crusade song Lyrics
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    Eres un carn?voro perro feroz de tus amos
    Querra es, su inters, que te y yo detestamos...."
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    Mon Dieu, dis-moi, comment fuir les peches?
    Mon Dieu, dis-moi, puis-je surmonter le monde
    Qui nait, qui meurt et ne que hurie et gronde?..."
  • The Unbroken
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    Burn me - I'll survive,
    I fight for my land -
    One won't stop my strive!..."
  • Dogs Of Justice
    "Unleashed the dogs of state,
    Time to decide the fates.
    Order's barked - come on the track,
    Teeth barred for attack......"
  • Vicious Circle
    "I can see nothing through my blurried sight...
    Just hear the pain growling from inside...
    I feel the needle tapping my vein...
    I try to drop it but hear it calls again!..."
    "Hypocrite, Public cheat,
    The one for seat, Votes' hunter.
    Nose to the wind I please them all, stay afloat.
    I'm your friend until you fall-your defeat's my gloat...."
  • Polka
    "Look at me decrepit old man,
    Bent by hundred years weight,
    Beaten many times by whims of fate.
    >From the dawn until the sunset..."
  • Final Chapter
    "What is my life?
    The gift of god?
    Or is it curse, the endless rod?
    What is my faith?..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Forbidden Tunes" album, click "Vicious Crusade Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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