Vilain Pingouin - Ainsi Soit Il Lyrics

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Artist: Vilain Pingouin
Song Title: Ainsi Soit Il
Visits: 540
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(W.H. Auden)
Victor was a little baby, into this world he came:
His father took him on his knee and said:' Don't dishonour the family
name.' Victor looked up at his father- loked up with big round eyes:
His father said:' Victor, my only son, don't you ever tell lies.'
It was a frosty December, it wsn't the season for fruits;
His father fell dead of heart disease while lacing up his boots.
It was a frosty December when into his grave he sank;
His uncle found Victor a post as a cashier in the Midlands Counties
It was a frosty December Victor was only eighteen.
But his figures were neat and his margins straight and his cuffs were
always clean.
He took a room at the Peveril, a respectableboarding-house: And Time
watched Victor day after day as a cat willwatch a mouse.
Victor went up to his bedroom, set the alarm bell;
Climbed into his bed, took his bible and read of happend to Jezebel.
It was the First of April, Anna to the Peveril came;
Her eyes, her lips, her breasts, her hips and her smile set men
aflame. It was the Second of April, she was wearing a coat of fur;
Victor met her upon the stairs and fell in love with her.
The first time he made his proposal, she laughed, said:' I'll never
The second time there was a pause, then she shook her head. Anna
looked at the mirror, pouted and gave a frown; Said;'Victor's as dull
as a wet afternoon but I've got to settle down.'
The third time hemade his proposal, as they walked by the Reservoir,
She gave him a kiss like a blowon the head, said,'You are my heart's
They married early in August, she said;'Kiss me, you funny
Victor took her in his arms and said:'O my Helen of Troy.'
The clerks were

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Other Vilain Pingouin song Lyrics
  • Ainsi Soit-il
    "J'veux pas essayer d'changer l'monde, j'pourrais pas tenir mes promesses
    Mais l en moi la colre gronde et y a des choses qui me blessent
    Et quand j'entends frapper la mort, je l'entends frapper dans mon coeur
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  • Chu Tu Seul Soir
    "J'veux pas essayer d'changer l'monde, j'pourrais pas tenir mes promesses
    Mais l en moi la colre gronde et y a des choses qui me blessent
    Et quand j'entends frapper la mort, je l'entends frapper dans mon coeur
    Qui se durcit et j'dis alors que j'avais raison d'avoir peur..."
  • Dieppe
    "Le gars qu'tu connais y'est plus dans l'miroir,
    celui qui l'remplace y'est pas beau voir.
    Ton absence me fait mal, le silence me fait peur.
    Le destin m'a frapp quand j'r'gardais ailleurs...."
  • Dlinquance
    "Une mdaille pour les braves, et reposez dans vos tombes
    L'tat a dit qu'l'heure tait grave, qu'il fallait que l'ennemi tombe
    On est all s'battre au front, on en avait tout l'tour d'la tte
    On pensait r'venir les bras pleins d'galons..."
  • Festin De Pingouins
    "Sa mre ne l'aimait plus parce que son pre, il l'aimait trop.
    C'fait qu'elle est tombe dans rue d'une bonne pousse dans l'dos.
    Elle a perdu l'fil de ses ides au bout d'l'aiguille qui fait rver.
    On n'a pas tous une tendre enfance, elle c'tait plutt d'la dlinquance...."
  • Franois
    "Bon ben j'suis encore pass en dessous d'la table du festin de la vie,
    pis c'est pas fini.
    J'ai plus d'problmes d'abri fiscal, j'ai des problmes d'abri normal,
    pis mes chums aussi...."
  • La Mort
    "Avance-moi l'argent que j'manque le fond.
    Faut que j'me rendorme, que je reprenne ma forme.
    Vite, j'ai pas le temps, j'perds la raison.
    Faut que j'disparaisse, que je remette ma laisse...."
  • Le Bleu Du Papier Blanc
    "Les yeux ferms, les poings serrs
    y'en a qui se battent pour n'pas y rester.
    Mais quoi que vous fassiez le temps que
    vous tes sur la terre a changera pas..."
  • ...Show All

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