Vile - Path to Incineration Lyrics

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Artist: Vile
Vile Author
Album: Depopulate (2002)
Vile - Depopulate Album
Song Title: Path to Incineration
Genre: Metal: Death, Black
Visits: 661
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[Lyrics: UrteagaMusic: Davis]

Manipulation - by the hands of oppression that grab a hold

They have no choice but to die

1000 years of pain - their sentence penned in blood

Denied - all means of escape are futile

They're left to perish, to rot upon their own waste

To see their own destroyed and watch them die

Before their eyes

The crusher hammer of oppression fails

Justified genocide

Dark angel of death descend

Warm rivers of blood will flow

Black winds of war bring tragedy

Ripping children from their families

Gathered up like criminals

Sent away never to return

Into a structure - conceived of death

A man made - killing machine

The bodies pile up to the sky

A massive sea of unending graves

Dark angel of war descend

Cold rivers of blood still flow, and they flow!

Disincarnate their skulls

Let maggots consume

Incineration of corpses

Their bodies turn to dust

Asphyxiation - a new way to kill

Poisoned by gasses - their lungs collapse

One by one they watch them drop like flies

One by one they see them... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..BURN!

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Other Vile song Lyrics
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  • Retaliation
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  • Engulfing Horde
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  • Unit 731
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    Dissected like rats they're kept alive
    To observe the decease devour with speed..."
  • Interrogation Rites
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    There's no escaping from your inbelievably painful fate
    Interrogation starts
    As you start to prepare mentally for what's at hand..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Depopulate" album, click "Vile Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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