Village People - The Sound Of the City Lyrics

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Artist: Village People
Village People Author
Song Title: The Sound Of the City
Visits: 657
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Listen to the sound of the city, listen to the sound of my town
New York is the city of cities, New York is still wearing the crow-own
Listen to the sound of the city, listen to the people I love
Everyone is speaking your language, New York speaks in your native to-ongue

New York (New York) - we're skatin' down broadway
At midnight or midday - we do our own thing
New York (New York) - a city with gusto
New York is a big show - it's what's happening

Listen to the sound of the city, listen to the cats on the street
New York is the fans of the Yankees, New York is a cop on the bea-eat
Listen to the sound of the city, listen to the steeple bells chime
New York is a city of magic, New York is a hip state of mi-ind

New York (New York) - the city of night life
The city of bright lights - we're doin' our part
New York (New York) - the city of fashio-ion
The city of passio-ion - this town has a heart

Listen to the sound of the city, New York is the pulse of the world
New York is the meca that's broadway, New York is the style on the gir-irl
Listen to the sound of the city, listen to the sound of my tow-ow-own
You can take a ride on the tramway, hold your breath while your comin' dow-own

New York (New York), perpetual motion
From ocean to ocean - there's nothing compares
New York (New York) - the parks and the playgrounds
New York is the sweet sound - of children at play

Listen to the sound of the city, New York at the dock is ali-i-ive
Uptown and the roads are in column, New York is a city with pri-i-ide
Listen to the sound of the city, New York is both future and past
New York is the city of music, New-ew Yor-ork is the city with cla-ass

Listen to the sound of the city,

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    Body...such a thrill my body
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    "Young man, there's no need to feel down.
    I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground.
    I said, young man, 'cause you're in a new town
    There's no need to be unhappy...."

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