Virgin Steele - EMALAITH Lyrics

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Artist: Virgin Steele
Virgin Steele Author
Album: The Marriage Of Heaven And Hell, Part Two (1995)
Virgin Steele - The Marriage Of Heaven And Hell, Part Two Album
Song Title: EMALAITH
Genre: Metal: Heavy
Visits: 567
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This is the land of my beginning,

these are the mountains of my birth

Dark with the blood of desecration,

oh where is she who is my pride


I hear the Weeping of the Spirits,

dark wings of hated fill the world

I know she's waiting out there somewhere,

beyond the shadows of my eyes


Is there a Life Among these Ruins,

the charred remains of all my kind

Stung by the Sword of Retribution,

I swear an oath where they have died

I will return to wreak my Vengeance,

let Heaven grant what love does seek

Alive without a breath, reach for the Thorns ofDeath,

a shadow falls

Before my eyes

EMALAITH dies alone in the night,

lost like a child she leaves me

Scars on the wind to hold me inside,

tomorrow belongs to never

I'll tear the walls of Erebus down.

Child of the Desolation, cry to me under stars that have died,

Under skies of Pain we are born.

Ooh yeah, we are one, forever we'll be

Oh my love, we'll defy Death and meet on Holy Ground.

After the darkest treason I, I will arise again !!!

EMALAITH dies alone in the night,

a kiss on the wind she leaves me

Out in the fields where everything dies,

will we be lost forever?

From death and darkness love was born, and love survived

and created Light.

Behold the Kingdom of the Fearless,

who holds the Seven Points ofNight?

Where is the hope of absolution,

beyond the shadow of my sight?

I hear the Weeping of the Spirits,

dark wings of hatred rule the world

But I will rise again, pierced by the Thorns of Death,

beyond the shadow of their eyes.

EMALAITH'S mine, asoul infinite,

the promise of peace is never

The Secret of Death if ours to possess, ours will endure forever

I see the answer burn in your eyes, across the wasteland,

Death into Life

The mighty Spirits crystalize, TheCrown of Glory,

onward we ride !!!

Beyond the shadows of the skies, waiting for the light, It's

over all is gone, Shadows of Mourning ...

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Other Virgin Steele song Lyrics
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    With a love that goes beyond love
    past the prison of all time In the sky you and I..."
  • I Wake up Screaming
    "Like a portrait born of hate
    like a lock without a key
    I am trapped here in this prison
    deliver me from me..."
  • House of Dust
    "Cold light descending through curtains of dust
    Torn like the memory of what we wert and what became of us
    Gone with the Evening when morning stares
    Gone and forgotten Iike a photograph..."
  • Blood of the Saints
    "London is mine, New York and Paris shall fall
    One Ring to Rule in Darkness to bind them all
    Come to me now a moth to the Flame
    Burning your eyes as you stare..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Marriage Of Heaven And Hell, Part Two" album, click "Virgin Steele Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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