Virginia Coalition - Valentine Eraser Lyrics

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Artist: Virginia Coalition
Song Title: Valentine Eraser
Visits: 515
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Another story make believe

Beneath the boy who's scared to see

It's hard to feel a moment before it's gone

Guarded words they tend to scream

They act as if they've never been

It's hard to hear with the stereo on

But give it just a little more time, she said

Give it just a little more time

Take another turn, we got money to burn

Give it just a little more time

Hit 'em when they're wide awake

And wonder how she's gonna take

It's hard to say, she's changin' every day

I hope that you don't ever find this valentine eraser

It's hard to hear with the stereo on

But give it just a little more time, she said

Give it just a little more time

Take another turn, we got money to burn

Give it just a little more time

Valentine eraser (valentine eraser)

Valentine eraser (valentine eraser)

She don't see the problem here

She don't know what's goin' wrong

It's hard when it's as deep as it was long

Another girl has come and gone

Her child is born without her

It's hard to hear with the stereo on

But give it just a little more time, she said

Give it just a little more time

Take another turn, we got money to burn

Give it just a little more time

Aw, but give it just a little more time, she said

Give it just a little more time

Take another turn, we got money to burn

Give it just a little more time

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