Virtuoso - All We Know Lyrics

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Artist: Virtuoso
Song Title: All We Know
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f/ Casual, Del

Utilizing all we know

True to life and

Ten-Four I read you

Your see through

I don't believe you

It ain't what your skin hides that's inside


Sliding in key locks locked in the detox

Amazing escape, an invasion plots

Black stone, chiropractor crack you backbone

Spectacular when I rapture ya, it's on

And after I masquerade this mic massacre

Last of the "B-Boy" masters fill casters

High-roller, lash the beat

Fantastically and put em' fast asleep

Don't discuss this travesty with his majesty

My styles make bullies look bashful

Y'all heard of casual, I get an (?)

I rhyme in every minute to be miniaturized

Squeeze the chalice, till my hands get calices

Challengers get they ass kicked into spastic paralysis

I place pillows in cigarillos

Stuff them bitches to their thickest dildos

A nigga will though, marinate till I mildew

Off a brute dub-sack then and I peel too

Y'all niggas shook like seizures

You skeez' us, please us and I leaves ya

Rampant, with your tramp in her hamptons

Amped' bout' to run throught they camp then I'm vamping

Like a champion, having fun when I run this


{All we know Utilizing

{All we know True to life and

Ten-Four I read you

Your see-through

I don't believe you

{It ain't what your skin hides that inside


This is the source so know that we hitting you off

I'm forward progress increased with centrifugal force

And as I listen I think who did the mixing on your weak sound

That lacks essential punches like the presidential recount

Deep down address the state of my being

And break in museums to take back our freedom from snakes and demons

We end off, when that cat rap it's Ten-Four

Your see-through, I read you they speak your memoirs

Flash ridiculous flows, master physicist

They be like yo that's the hypnotist the way I get with chicks

Sick of this pre-imposed regiment, we disclose evidence

Of the societal foes decadence

The righteous, we gaining advantage we banish sharks of Satan

Battle the biggest star fuck it bring on a constellation

Watch how I kill and fray the Milky Way the silky spray

Filthy gray clouds, to send them to Earth to slay crowds

In evil assemblages, walk straight mind control of cerebral appendages

So it'll lead to your hemorrhages

Quite likely, cuz' you spread roomers your might fight me

But neglectly to write nightly thinking my hype might be

Overblown, but I'm the most powerful of Jehovah's clones

Poison will, thought they said poison milk from the Cobra's pulm

Figure is Virtuoso slay hard

In a rave squad, with brave guards and layed them in the graveyard


{All we know Utilizing

{All we know True to life and

Ten-Four I read you

Your see-through

I don't believe you

{It ain't what your skin hides that inside


Deep within we begin through the grass and moss

Spent a wife from the plantation planned grand larsany

My state's malnutrition a low adjustment what's this

Identify then decide

Virtuoso was hopeful, "Cas" was aggrivated

I knew he had to make it, any task taken

Sink or swim, die young or live in wrinkled skin

Only look again cuz' homies think cuz' thinkin' in

The same civilization, my pen is inkin' it

Of the wise they a minus cuz' wise is a mindset

Dumb, deaf, blind and no time reminding

Your ass stays greedy, needy while I fast

And I'm a start there leave em' marked there

That every thought's clear and concise

They say they lived twice

And try and do me like Christ with spice

Dancing with Manson but I ain't that type alright

A fly "Cas-wise", crack survival tactics

Relax and meditate and apply the math-quick

Get solutions, skip institutions

Strong constitution for our retribution

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Other Virtuoso song Lyrics
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  • Guaranteed
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    Yea yea check it out, uhh
    Aiyo yo
    You now in tune with the Virtuoso..."
  • Im Virtuoso
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  • One
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    ?We got to live as one?
    Yo when all forms of payment and educations
    Involve enslavement and degradation..."
  • Orions Belt
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    My raps meant ya down fall
    I surround y'all that sound small
    In comparison to the magnimous, analyst..."
  • Provoke Me
    "f/ REKS
    * send corrections to the typist
    How can I start ill, live from where my people, VIRT you caught hell
    Nasty as the poet Nas on the track with Akinyele..."
  • Remember
    "* send corrections to the typist
    When you feel life's too hard
    And you cant go on
    Remember that I love you..."
  • ...Show All

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