Virus - Forced Into Death Lyrics

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Artist: Virus
Virus Author
Song Title: Forced Into Death
Visits: 589
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He's an evil man with a twisted mind
He used his brain to clone humankind
In his lab, his days are spent
Collecting funds from the government

Forced into death .. Children on the table
Forced into death .. Make them work if they're able
Forced into death ..Now he's testing on your brain
Forced into death .. Driving you insane

They treated Hitler's words as the words of god
Justifying the lives that he robbed
Joseph Mengele didn't care
Rooms filled with teeth and human hair

Forced into death .. Children on the table
Forced into death .. Make them work if they're able
Forced into death ..Now he's testing on your brain
Forced into death .. Driving you insane

America's not far behind
From Mengele and Hitler's time
Read about cloning in the news
Think of what happened to the Jews
Think about the total cost
They killed the wives, they killed the children
Remember those whose lives were lost
To alleviate a "racial burden"?
So the future won't repeat the past
All your dreams and all you hoped for
And the souls of the dead will forever last
And no on else can close the same door

Forced into death - Driving you insane

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    Define just what we are
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    When friends stuck together and things felt new
    But now I just don't know what to do..."
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    But we ain't living our lives just right
    Living my life with out a care
    Leopard print and tattered, tattered hair..."
  • Know It All
    "When it's all been said and done
    And you're out there on your own
    And no one's looking out for you
    Like when you lived at home..."
  • Take Control
    "Keep all those bastards from holding you down
    Gotta stand tall to keep off the ground
    Don't let them keep you from getting ahead
    Cause if they get their way we'll all end up dead..."
  • They Lie
    "The capitalists and communists - they lie, they lie
    The activists and pacifists - they lie, they lie
    The Media and their social cliques - they lie, they lie
    In Education and politics - they lie, they lie..."

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