Virus - So Long Lyrics

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Artist: Virus
Virus Author
Album: Nowhere to Hide (2002)
Virus - Nowhere to Hide Album
Song Title: So Long
Genre: Hardcore
Visits: 667
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You got exactly what you wanted
As you left your friends behind
Ill catch you around-
Ill see you later - I say So Long
Why bother wasting all my time?

To all the people who denied me - So long, So long
And kept me one step behind - So Long
How long did you think you could lie to me - So Long, So Long
I saw through you one last time - So Long

All those times that it was me and you
And we were always hanging out
You think its my fault that you changed -
I say So Long
I finally know what you're about

What the fuck did you just say to me - So Long, So Long
You never liked me anyway - So Long
Now the truth seems to be coming out - So Long, So Long
Its getting better everyday - So Long

What you want to do?
I can see right thru you
I let you have your say
Who are you anyway?

What the fuck did you just say to me - So Long, So Long
You never liked me anyway - So Long
Now the truth seems to be coming out - So Long, So Long
Its getting better everyday - So Long

Here we are its just me and you
I never said it be the same
Times have changed
All I want to say is - So Long
I guess some friendships are in vain

Think exactly what you to think - So Long, So Long
All your thoughts are lies - So Long
Theres nothing more you can say to me - So Long, So Long
I guess this is goodbye - So Long

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    Gotta stand tall to keep off the ground
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    Cause if they get their way we'll all end up dead..."
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    The activists and pacifists - they lie, they lie
    The Media and their social cliques - they lie, they lie
    In Education and politics - they lie, they lie..."
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Nowhere to Hide" album, click "Virus Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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