Virus Nine - Blemished At Birth Lyrics

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Artist: Virus Nine
Song Title: Blemished At Birth
Visits: 629
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You and me in the land of the free, total corruption from sea to shining sea, they tell us lies everyday on t.v. they wash our minds and prey we won't think, we sit in traffic in our coffins made of steel, with all these taxes that we can't afford to feel, another child goes to bed without a meal, protected hatred that they say aint' real, will anyone save us? I really do not know, they congregate hoping he will show, to take away all the bad things we've seen, it's time to realize its up to you and me!

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    Been one year to the day
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  • Cutthroat
    "So long to our town, your not welcome back, we gave to many chances and you stabbed us in the back, we gave you all our trust and you left your mark in flesh, you might as well spit in my face or kick me in the chest, burned one too many bridges, hit one to many skirts you cheated on your lonely wife, your name's dragged thru the dirt your the weakest link to honesty I think we've ever seen, the blackest heart, the weakest soul that will ever be, so cutthroat, from us to you, you lost alot of friends don't show your face, don't come around, your a liar, it's the end.

  • Honor You
    "This one is to dedicate, maybe a little more, to generation, family tales, to all the dogs of war not just too appreciate all the men that died, but all the ones who made it back, to all the men survived, we'll honor you! the ones who started families, our loved ones and our friends, our grandfathers and fathers that fought to the bitter end! I'll shake your hand and honor you, respect the life you led, remember all your stories and the wise words that you've said, We'll honor you!

  • Lost In America
    "One mouth across country
    We're playin' with the flag!
    Six punx in an 85' Dodge could never be a drag
    Detroit down to Vegas..."
  • March Of The Thugs
    "The punx go marching one by one HOORAH, HOORAH! The skins go marching one by one HOORAH, HOORAH! When the Punx and Skins and Hooligans have unity the'll always win, a force to be reckoned with, and we'll all go marching home! Our youth brigade is tried and true HOORAH, HOORAH! when times are tuff we're coming thru HOORAH, HOORAH! We're standing up when life is ruff, we're nation wide we can't be stopped, society's threat, we've had enough, and we'll all go marching home! We stand together proud and strong HOORAH, HOORAH! Our fight for rights, the road is long HOORAH, HOORAH! If the Punx and Skins and Hooligans have unity the'll always win, a force to be reckoned with, and we'll all go marching home!

  • Moment
    "I want to know the exact moment when I ran outta luck, I want to know the exact moment when I decided to grow up, but if I try hard, look deep inside, i'll find the fire that never died, remember what I used to be, if it all comes back it'll set me free, I'm sick and tired of being rushed, i'm sick and tired of being pushed, I'm sick and tired of no respect, i'm sick and tired, get of my back! I want to know the exact moment when I decided to get old, I want to know the exact moment when my feelin's turned cold.

  • Perfect Place
    "Ten million killed from criminals!
    Ten million killed from war!
    Ten million forced to live in fear!
    And they'll send ten million more!..."
  • Red Blooded Mutiny
    "You thought you kept us down
    You thought you fucked us up
    You thought you held us back
    After all you never one..."
  • ...Show All

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