Vision - Close Minded Lyrics

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Artist: Vision
Song Title: Close Minded
Visits: 754
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Everyone tells me I'm close minded
Why dont you listen to this, you might like it
Everyone tells me I'm close minded
This song 'ain't for free, if ya say you don't buy it
Everyone tells me I'm close minded
I'll tell you right now, that im never gunna try it
Everyone tells me I'm close minded
Give me what I want, or there's gunna be a riot

What am I to do, close minded(x2)

Everyone tells me I'm close minded
Make no mistake, there's no compromise
Everyone tells me I'm close minded
Just try and see it, through my eyes
Everyone tells me I'm close minded
I'll tell you one more time, that you better keep quiet
Everyone tells me I'm close minded
If it's not punk rock, I'm never gunna like it

What am I to do, close minded(x2)

You know, everybody's always sayin'
your really close minded,
you only listen to one type of music,
you only go to one type of show,
and I say well you know what?
This is the type of music that we grew up on,
this is the type of
music that we play, punk rock is our way of life,
it's how we choose
to live, and everyone else's opinion is worth nothing,
don't worry
about what I listen to, worry about your own life,
cause im not gunna
change for you, or anyone,
I can't help it if you dont like it, and it's up
to me if I don't wanna listen to anything else,
it's what's in our blood,
it flows through our veins,
so save your breath cuz' we're here to stay

Everyone tells me I'm close minded
Why dont you listento this, you might like it
Everyone tells me I'm close minded
This song 'ain't for free, if ya say you don't buy it
Everyone tells me I'm close minded
I'll tell you right now, that im never gunna try it
Everyone tells me I'm close minded
Give me what I want, or there's gunna be a riot

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Other Vision song Lyrics
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  • Dont Sound The Alarm
    "I don't want you to know too much about me oh no
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    Too much to do is what I've got..."
  • Effigy
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  • No Compromise
    "Who are you and what does it mean
    To brand yourself part of an underground scene?
    Without the passion, you've sold your soul
    To gain some measure of control..."
  • Now I Bleed
    "You don't know me, know me at all
    You can't see, you're mesmerized
    You had me believe
    I never thought that you would leave..."
  • Try
    "I know a kid who is out of control
    Took too many drugs, and it stole his soul
    Sitting on the porch watching days and years fly by
    Something needs to change, but he won't even try..."
  • Predictable
    "I already know what you're gonna say
    I already know the things you're gonna do
    Somehow I know how the story ends
    I've been here before and it's happened again..."

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