Visionaries - Spiritual Warfare Lyrics

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Artist: Visionaries
Song Title: Spiritual Warfare
Visits: 614
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To the ones walkin' the righteous path


Church and state separate

Plenty of God's children, devil is the king of deception

Looking at the paintings of a white and black Jesus

Spirit says it's simply to deceive us

If I was after sacrifice, need a scapegoat

I would stop fightin' and cut my own throat

Lord hold me in your bosom, Satan's on my track

Help me lose him, I know you're on your way

Whether it's 2 years, 20 years and so forth

The point is he's comin', you're summoned to God's court

There's no failure to repair once we leave here

'Order, hear he,' no - you hear me

You're not God, egotistical wig-wearin

Mallet-slammin'... Oh, the verdict is in

Free from sin, Baptism

I see myself in the line-up, yes, that's him

A man who ( ? ) is a man who's wise

It's all how you work it, not a matter of size

You don't love me anymore cause of what was said?

You never loved me in the first place, see me tread

In stormy waters, look, there's a rock ahead

Make sure you say your prayers before you go to bed


Hey you over there

Are you familiar with spiritual warfare?

Or do you care?

(I got a question) --> Rakim

Or do you care?

(I got a question)

Or do you care?

[ VERSE 2: Key-Kool ]

I'm not asleep but I'm not fully awake

Livin' my life in a dreamlike state

I see where I need to be and I'm tryin' to get there

But it feels like I'm runnin' in place

Runnin' a race against time is a waste

A true mind doesn't have a face or physical shape

But wait, it's hard to belay a manifest

When my bones ache and I'm made of flesh

I feel a pain in my chest from stress and self-inflicted wounds

From the time we leave the womb we're consumed

By the brainwashin' of a society

Where conciousness is like sobriety a rarity

I have a moment of clarity

Now I refuse to live life as a parody of the truth

The proof at the root is hidden beneath

Layers of false satisfaction and deceit

I fight to defeat the distractions

Material attachments and worldy passions

I'm askin' myself: am I egotistical and selfish

Or truly nothing, selfless?

(I got a question)

(I got a question)


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