Vital Remains - Eastern Journey Lyrics

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Artist: Vital Remains
Vital Remains Author
Album: Forever Underground (1997)
Vital Remains - Forever Underground Album
Song Title: Eastern Journey
Genre: Metal: Death, Black
Visits: 576
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Misery, cant stop the pain I feel inside
Empty, my soul yearns for something I just can't find
Gathering sights within my mind
Contemplating thoughts I left behind
Wondering, wondering I am alive

Beckoning - Raising my arms hear my cry
Pity me, pity me not, I will survive
Gathering sights within my mind
Contemplating thoughts I left behind
Reality, torturing my soul I don?t know why

Whispering voices, talking inside my head
Calling me, taunting me, wishing I were dead
Gotta get them out, cast the voices out
Terminate the sounds out, exterminate disturbing sound
Gripping on the life, talking reality
Holding on with might, relying on my sanity

Sanity - searching for my mind, blackened with hate
Justify - shadowing colors, sound that cry
Gathering sights within my mind
Contemplating thoughts I left behind
Wondering - why I am live

Immersing unthought, tranquil in silence
Underlying secrets, locked in time
Truth to existence lies within thyself
Motionless in wonder, taking in all that's clear

Be gone, fade away, cant blind my eyes
Be gone, fade away, I know the truth
Searching for meaning deep inside
Mindless journey forever ride

[Repeat verse 1 + 2]

Prisms of color I don't understand
Floating in patterns, through the skies of clad
Invisioned in my thoughts together as I stand
Motionless in wonder taking all that's clear

Be gone fade away, cant blind my eyes
Be gone fade away, I know the truth
Searching for meaning deep inside
Mindless journey forever ride

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  • Divine In Fire
    "Here upon the devils altar. Up is down
    Here upon the devils altar. Darkness is light
    Here upon the devils altar. Slaves are free
    Here upon the devils altar. Madness is sanity..."
  • Black Magick Curse
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    Move and appear, blasting winds which multiply
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  • Sanctity in Blasphemous Ruin
    "Welcome to my dwellings of unholiness
    Upheld, the blackest dreams... O' infernal bliss
    Tabernacles pleasured and continuance lies in
    The innocents existence..."
  • Flag of Victory
    "Buried beneath the centuries,
    memories of horrific prophecies, the word of god forced upon the weak
    Acceptance, blinded they will be
    Silent, the flesh withers away..."
  • Behold The Throne Of Chaos
    "The knell tolls... divine holocaust by the grace of the black moon
    The apocalyptic vision for all the world to bear witness to this,
    the opening of the wound
    Your numinous kingdom now flows with blood..."
  • The Night Has A Thousand Eyes
    "We rose from the earth and fell from the heavens
    Exaltes saints of flesh and will
    Fall into the opaque silk that is the night
    We are the provenance of fear and the heralds of the profane..."
  • ...Show All
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