Vital Remains - Societe Des Luciferiens Lyrics

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Artist: Vital Remains
Vital Remains Author
Album: Dawn Of The Apocalypse (1999)
Vital Remains - Dawn Of The Apocalypse Album
Song Title: Societe Des Luciferiens
Genre: Metal: Death, Black
Visits: 569
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In no human brain can sufficient space be
found for the rentless logic of hard fact
until all pre-existance delusions
have been finally annhilated,
half measures are not of no avail
we must go down to the very roots
and tear out, even to the last fiber, we must be,
like nature, hard, cruel, relentless, ragnar redbeard.

Beauty in purity the darkness glows the flesh
through this the black flame of satan
thou walketh in hell
thy senses are awakened to the joy of rebirth
the gates are flung wide and thy passage to heralded
by the deathless cries of his guardian beasts
his searing brand shall be evermore
emblazoned in thy consciousness
it's fiery meaning shall make thee free
in the mist of our black paradise
shall undefiles wisdom rule the rites
of christ are but rites of death
now receive the truth

Arise! Invoke the blasphemous name
the lord of Sodom, the god of Cain
joy to the flesh indulge in the flesh forever

[*] The ever fading light
the light of redemption
we appear as ravens through the mist
night fallen, all devouring
shrouds of blackness
silently consume all that is pure
obscure his world, brothers of the bloodwar
for we are unchained and almighty [x2]

Arise! Invoke the blasphemous name
the lord of Sodom, the god of Cain
joy to the flesh indulge in the flesh forever

In nomine magni dei nostri satanas

Solemn, the lifeless angel of dawn
silhouette, the fading symbol of life
disappears amongst the shadow of wolves

[* - REPEAT]

The celebrations of christ become the
worship of abhorrence
chant the pagan of threnody for the
council of virtus,
a requiem sung for all the
divine their lives are now exhausted
as murdered day casts the sky in blood
over the befallen city of man

Arise! Invoke the blasphemous name
the lord of Sodom, the god of Cain
joy to the flesh indulge in the flesh forever

In nomine magni dei nostri satanas

Solemn, the lifeless angel of dawn
silhouette, the fading symbol of life
disappears amongst the shadow of wolves

In the midst of our black paradise
shall undefiled wisdom rule
the rites of christ are but rites of death
accept the absolute
vanish into the void of thy empty heaven
for thou wert never nor shalt thou ever be
undefiled wisdom
it s fiery meaning shall make thee free
societe des luciferiens:
it's fiery meaning shall make thee free
societe des luciferiens:
it's fiery meaning shall make thee free

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Other Vital Remains song Lyrics
  • Battle Ground
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    Wind is calm, sun is slowly rising
    Clouds will form, hide the blazing star
    Mighty winds bring the coming storm..."
  • I Am God
    "Follow me now and walk the hound of hell
    And ride the whirl wins of the night
    Together we become an army out of hell
    To scourge the earth, and melt the ice..."
  • Eastern Journey
    "Misery, cant stop the pain I feel inside
    Empty, my soul yearns for something I just can't find
    Gathering sights within my mind
    Contemplating thoughts I left behind..."
  • Divine In Fire
    "Here upon the devils altar. Up is down
    Here upon the devils altar. Darkness is light
    Here upon the devils altar. Slaves are free
    Here upon the devils altar. Madness is sanity..."
  • Black Magick Curse
    "Messengers of doom come forth and destroy
    Move and appear, blasting winds which multiply
    Sorcery.... Thoth
    Voodoo.... Damballa..."
  • Sanctity in Blasphemous Ruin
    "Welcome to my dwellings of unholiness
    Upheld, the blackest dreams... O' infernal bliss
    Tabernacles pleasured and continuance lies in
    The innocents existence..."
  • Flag of Victory
    "Buried beneath the centuries,
    memories of horrific prophecies, the word of god forced upon the weak
    Acceptance, blinded they will be
    Silent, the flesh withers away..."
  • Behold The Throne Of Chaos
    "The knell tolls... divine holocaust by the grace of the black moon
    The apocalyptic vision for all the world to bear witness to this,
    the opening of the wound
    Your numinous kingdom now flows with blood..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Dawn Of The Apocalypse" album, click "Vital Remains Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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