Vito Rick - Walk Another Mile Lyrics

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Artist: Vito Rick
Song Title: Walk Another Mile
Visits: 584
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Johnny was a jockey, he really knew how to ride
He was the king of hearts with a queen by his side
But darkness fell too soon one day uptown
Somebody couldn't feel his love and so he shot poor Johnny down

(He's got to) walk another mile
Walk on, walk on
(He's got to) walk another mile
Walk on, walk on
Sometimes it's hard to find a smile (walk on, walk on)
Before you get your reward you got to walk another mile
Walk on

I saw a woman in love standing in the rain
She wore a ribbon of blues, she could not hide her pain
'Cause the man she loved had to move along
Leaving all his little children behind to sing his song

(She's got to) walk another mile
Walk on, walk on
(She's got to) walk another mile
Walk on, walk on
Sometimes it's hard to find a smile (walk on, walk on)
Before you get your reward you got to walk another mile
Walk on

Some walk a mile as a beggar man
Some walk a mile as a king
Some ride in style, some crawl on the ground
But one thing's for sure, man, it all comes around

I can't remember for sure, but I believe what they say
That after you leave you travel home again some day
And the road is long with no end in sight
But you'll keep coming back until the wrongs are made right

(You got to) walk another mile
Walk on, walk on
(You got to) walk another mile
Walk on, walk on
Sometimes it's hard to find a smile (walk on, walk on)
Before you get your reward you got to walk another mile
Walk on

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    I wanna shake up every drop..."
  • I Still Have My Guitar
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    Well, you won't see me cry
    Or falling all apart..."
  • Ill Never Leave This Love Alive
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    It was so good, I was yours and you were mine
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  • Intuition
    "I can hold you in my arms
    If I'm a thousand miles away
    And I can know what's on your mind
    Without you having a word to say..."
  • Knock Me Down
    "I knew when I saw you I'd soon take a fall
    You'd have me on my knees but I wouldn't mind at all
    I'm tough enough to know better but still too weak to resist..."
  • Poor Souls In Love
    "Bless me, Father, I have sinned
    I broke her heart
    Feels like so long now
    Since I tore us apart..."
  • Two Hearts On Fire
    "Staring into space, my mind's in a cloud
    Something's got a hold on me, and I'm crying out loud
    Then I wake up from a dream and call your name
    Your memory's not the same..."

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