Viva Valdy - Hard Rain Lyrics

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Artist: Viva Valdy
Song Title: Hard Rain
Visits: 641
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* Bobby lived on the edge of town with his (64) Folks and his kid sister,

his (44) School was cool, and as a rule, he (64) Seldom ever missed her.

But that (44) Freezing rain fell from the skies, (64) Bobby's world was turned to ice.

it was a (44) Hard rain, it was the (34) Hardest rain he'd ever (44) Seen.

* Bobby lived up on the seventh floor with (64) View out o'er the va-lley.

there were (44) Willows by the creek out front and proud (64) Elm trees in the alley.

but that (44) Freezing rain kept pouring down (64) All that beauty hit the ground.

it was a (44) Hard rain, it was the (34) Hardest rain he'd ever (44) Seen.

* that Hard rain kept on falling for Days and nights and days.

hydro transmission towers, Toppled 'neath the weight.

Hospitals and homes went dark it was a Horror to behold.

Millions of canadians, (64) Caught out in the cold.

* (44) Bobby's home was nothing fancy, his (64) Folks still paid a rental.

they made (44) Just enough to make it by, witho-(64)-Ut much supplemental.

but that (44) Freezing rain, it hung around so long, (64) Jobs were lost, and money gone.

it was a (44) Hard rain, it was the (34) Hardest rain he'd ever (44) Seen.

it was a Hard rain.

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