VK - Curiosity Lyrics
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Curiosity Song Lyrics
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Ah-hah, ahaha
This is tripped out, tripped out
I wonder what you look like?
Haha, like dat like dat
Well where you at?
Where you at? Where you at? Where you at?
Buk buk!!
You are the pain, that puts stress on my brain
How do I refrain, from making you a bloodstain?
Just a memory would suffice; it would be nice
I would love to see your face, it would be tight
Who are you? How old are you? How tall are you?
What do you think of the daughter that wants to meet you?
Do I have your smile and your eyes that have kept me strong?
Will you ever be man enough to show your face;
will you roll on the situation, a nation will rise
no higher than this woman, a fatherless child
Let me ask you some'in: is that you asleep on the sidewalk
with no place to stay and with no one to talk?
Maybe you have a wife and kids and a big house
Or maybe you're a business man with the big clout
Who knows how the story goes, maybe I will see
I'm just a fatherless child, filled with curiosity
Sometimes, I get a little lonely
So where you at?
Where you at? Where you at? Where you at?
Sometimes, I wonder why it had to be this way
You know, I wonder who you are
So where you at?
Where you at? Where you at? Where you at?
Do you know that I'm here?
My homies and family claim not to understand me
Why do I talk with so much emotion
and why do I feel so deeply? Huh
I have this habit of bitin my nails when I'm deep in thought
Did you do the same, did you get slapped when you got caught?
Sometimes I feel my soul is tired from the lack of sleep
It won't rest until I see you and you see me
I remember when I asked my momma, "Where is he?"
She said you died, in a plane crash overseas
I remember cause momma used to get mad zooted
So two years later I asked again and she had to prove it
She couldn't, in fact, she forgot what she said the first time
When I asked again, she said you died in a car crash, fine
But momma you lied to me and my friends were right
This is the real reason why this case was sealed tight
Help me to understand what's going on with this man
who I've never seen or met, tell me did you plan
for me not to see, some pieces of this puzzle
are missing in action, I feel that this is trouble
She said, "You really wanna know? God please help me
I didn't know your father, THE BASTARD RAPED ME!"
So where you at?
Where you at? Where you at? Where you at?
It's like dat like dat now
Do my ears deceive me, I'm confused, do they tease me
because of the man I thought was dad, took my mother and..
forced her to - I CAN'T SAY IT MAN!
What's this world comin to, why'd you do my moms fool??
She was only thirteen, you betta find yo' screws
because like you, I am a fool too
Let me take that back, I don't wanna be like that
But now you listen and pay witness to this raw facts
Life is a three-sixty, what goes around comes around
and back to your cypher, it will come to haunt you down
Who knows, you probably turned over a new leaf
You might be pushin up daisies, if so it wouldn't amaze me
In fact, let's be accurate, it wouldn't fade me
Rape, is punishable by death, alright bet
Now here we go cause God is bringin me to my knees
to deal with the pain of my, secret curiosity
Sometimes, I get a little lonely
So where you at?
Where you at? Where you at? Where you at?
Sometimes, I wonder why it had to be this way
You know, I wonder who you are
So where you at?
Where you at? Where you at? Where you at?
Do you know that I'm here?
Do you know? Do you know?
Sometimes, I get a little lonely
So where you at?
Where you at? Where you at? Where you at?
Sometimes, I wonder why it had to be this way
Like dat, like dat
You know, I wonder who you are
Do you know that I'm here?
So where you at? Where you at?
It's like dat, like dat now..
It's like dat, like dat now.. what?
It's like dat, like dat now
Curiosity Lyrics
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