Vnv Nation - Joy Lyrics

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Artist: Vnv Nation
Song Title: Joy
Genre: Alternative
Visits: 652
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Have I no control, is my soul not mine?
Am I not just man, destiny defined?
Never to be ruled nor held to heel.
Not heaven or hell just the land between.

Am I not man, does my heart not bleed?
No Lord, no God, no hate, no pity, no pain, just ME.
Comprehend and countermand.
Synchronous guidance. I choose my way.
Never to be ruled nor held to heel.
Not heaven or hell just the land between.

and am I not man?

So why do I love when I still feel pain?
When does it end, when is my work done?
Why am I lone and why do I feel
that I carry a sword through a battle field?
So why do I love when I still feel pain?
When does it end, when is my work done?
Why do I fight and why do I feel
that I carry a sword, that I carry a sword?

Like the path to heaven or the road to hell
our choice is our own consequences bind.
We are the kings of wisdom, the fools as well.
We are the gods to many, we are humble men.

We who build great works just to break them down.
We who make our rules so we never fail.
So why do I love when I still feel pain?
When does it end, when is my work done?
Why am I lone and why do I feel
that I carry a sword through a battle field?
So why do I love when I still feel pain?
When does it end, when is my work done?
Why do I fight and why do I feel
that I carry a sword, that a carry a sword?

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Other Vnv Nation song Lyrics
  • Kingdom
    "Our domain, this kingdom come
    Now godless lands whose ways are lost.
    Without the strength to carry on.
    All values lost all virtue none...."
  • Rubicon
    "Praying for myself.
    These thoughts I try to hide.
    I have faith in me and hope this will survive.
    But it's tearing me apart...."
  • Saviour
    "As the stars appear
    I know I'll find you staring at the sky.
    Pointlessly reaching for some light
    You hope to guide your sorry way...."
  • Fragments
    "see the faces. etched in stone. the frozen faces of multitudes. the
    songs of youth that sing forever. immortal thoughts of a myriad
    of souls that echo forth and on forever and on forever. all great
    things to come. onward now and on forever and onward now all..."
  • Distant (Rubicon II)
    "the paths that I once tread have all but gone. only embers now
    smoulder where bridges once burned. I feel alive and yet fear what may
    happen now. I know I can't return. and I hear me say again oh let me
    not return. damn the illusion of redemption and the hopes that held me..."
  • Standing
    "Eyes betray the soul and bear it's thinking.
    Beyond words they say so many things to me.
    A stranger here reborn it seems
    Awaking wonders deep in me...."
  • Legion
    "Enveloped in a sentiment,
    A sound that rushes over me.
    Engage an impulse to pretend
    I have a faith as pure...."
  • Darkangel
    "In your dream you see me clear
    I have no restraint, no fear
    powerless i watched from faces i'd assumed.
    my purpose set. My will defined...."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Praise the Fallen" album, click "Vnv Nation Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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