Voices in Public - Its Just My Luck Lyrics
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Its Just My Luck Song Lyrics
Voices in Public
Song Title:
Its Just My Luck
Print Version
(M. Beecroft, J. Collins, G. Coulson, J. Heslip, D. Pickell, P. Wildfong)
If I could fly across the ocean
I'd have you fly back with me
So, I could hold you for all time
If I could stop the world
I'd make you mine forever
I can make it happen in my dreams
Chorus A:
In my dreams
I am the only one that you adore
In my dreams
I'd live and breath or even die for
In my dreams
I'll have to settle for you in my dreams
In my dreams
If I could light the sky from darkness
You could see the way I feel
Just to see you face to face
If I could silence the noise
You could listen to my heart
Then you'd know my love is true
Then you'd know my love is true
Chorus A
Chorus B:
Wish you were here with me
I'd touch you deep inside
Feelin' your body move
In perfect time with mine
Why must you only be
A vision of the night?
Why must I only see you in my dreams?
All I want is to take your hand
And feel your pulse beat for real
I'd keep you safe as I hold you
I want you to feel what I feel
Chorus A
Chorus B
Its Just My Luck Lyrics
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Other Voices in Public song Lyrics
Do You Think Youre Ready
"Ich seh' Dich seit Tagen und wei doch genau, da Dir irgend etwas fehlt.
Du hockst in der Ecke, Dir ist immer flau, doch Du hast mir noch nie was
Die Augen sind tief, auf der Stirn steht der Schwei, und Dein Pulsschlag..."
Falling in Love
"This was bound to happen for quite some time
If I don't say it now I'll go out of my mind
Every time I'm near you it's like there's no one around
People talking to me but I don't hear a sound..."
How Much I Care
"I used to be so restless
Always looking for the perfect romance
Just going 'round in circles
Caught up in the dance..."
In My Dreams
"You know, there comes a time in every relationship
When things may not seem right
Just remember, and let'em know
You care..."
Its My Nature
It's just my luck
She's got someone else in mind
It's just my luck..."
"It's my nature
To want you
Baby what can I do?
I'm falling for you..."
The Party Dont Stop
"This won't be a surprise to you
I guess giving up is the best that I can do
This is where it has to end
So, where do I start, tell me where do I begin?..."
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