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Insect Song Lyrics
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Mindless, now you will do as you're told
Restore, worship the god of control
Victims, helpless
New Slave, brain dead
Betray thy god
Facing endless damnation
Prepare, we'll have a new world our own
Regress, withdraw and you'll burn alone
Maintain respect
Obey Insect
Twisting your fate
Facing endless salvation
People from the outside
Craving for utopia
Nowhere near perfection
Future desolation
Join in now, join in now
Join in now, join in now
Promising heaven, celestial home
Inside your head now, insect has grown
There is no problem to analyse
Leaving this wasteland towards the sky
No need to worry, you're in the zone
Mind control fury, whispering tone
Overbearing manipulation
Impure, sadness, manic depression
Victims, helpless
New slave, brain dead
Betray thy god
Facing endless damnation.
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