Waifs - Spotlight Lyrics

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Artist: Waifs
Song Title: Spotlight
Visits: 680
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Moon hangs in the night
A spotlight on the world
Lighting the lands, moving the seas
And tonight from where I stand on this hill
The spotlight's on me
I am young long ago
I know not a thing
Only that the sky is blue or sometimes grey
Flowers grow but they need rain
And when you're a kid you play games all day
Anywhere we'd play
I found you
I know where you are
I found you
I know where you are

Formative years come along
Some take the lead and some fall behind
Confusion untold
Life can be so dramatic
But it was real at the time
Laughing with friends
Crying alone
Over false hearts and petty love
We leave school to face the world
That seems fun for a while

But you tire of the same faces
And you dream of new places
It was a breath of aspiration
When my sister said "Let's get out of here"
We left our town
We travelled 'round
And I went to find me

Spotlight, spotlight
I found you
I know where you are
Spotlight, spotlight
I found you
I know where you are

Twenty something and the fog has all but disappeared
With each day passed I learn something more
At all rate I'm thinking here I must know it all
Love, death, a little pain have passed through these walls

Situations still arrive where I can see
The way I behave it's unjustified
These are the times I look inside
And I see I'm a child after all

I found you
I know who you are

I found you
I know who you are

I found you
I know who you are

Spotlight, spotlight
I found you
I know where you are

Spotlight, spotlight
I found you
I know where you are

Spotlight, spotlight
I found you
I know where you are

I found you

Moon hangs in the night
A spotlight on the world

Spotlight Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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