Wailing Souls - Love You Want Lyrics

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Artist: Wailing Souls
Song Title: Love You Want
Visits: 641
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LOVE YOU WANT - Wailing Souls
(Matthews / McDonald / Feldman)

Ah, if a this ya love you want you a go get
Gal, if a this ya love you want you a go get
If a this ya love you want you a go get
Gal, if a this ya love you want you a go get

Come onto me baby and take my blues away
What I need to see now is brighter days
I want you to take away my dark skies, take away my tears
Take away my suffering people feel for all these years

Ah, if a this ya love you want you a go get
Gal, if a this ya love you want you a go get
If a this ya love you want you a go get
Gal, if a this ya love you want you a go get

Let this love light shine, let it in your soul
Steady on forever, it's time to take control
We don't need no darkness, we don't need no fear
We don't need no sadness, it's love we need right there

Don't get upset if you ain't got nobody
Don't get upset if you have no one
Don't get upset when you wake up in the morning
Cause every new day life just begun

Ooh yeah, give thanks and praises
Love is coming your way

(Ah, if a this ya love you want you a go get
Gal, if a this ya love you want you a go get
If a this ya love you want you a go get
Gal, if a this ya love you want you a go get...)

Take away my sadness, take away my fear
Give me all the loving I miss through all these years

Don't get upset if you ain't got nobody
Don't get upset if you have no one
Don't get upset when you wake up in the morning
Cause every new day life just begun

Don't get upset if you ain't got no money
Don't get upset if you have no one
Don't get upset when you wake up in the morning
Cause every new day life just begun

Ooh yeah, let's give thanks and praises
Love is coming your way

Ah, if a this ya love you want you a go get
Gal, if a this ya love you want you a go get
If a this ya love you want you a go get
Gal, if a this ya love you want you a go get...

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