Wailing Souls - Picky Picky Head Lyrics
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Picky Picky Head Song Lyrics
Wailing Souls
Song Title:
Picky Picky Head
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PICKY PICKY HEAD - Wailing Souls
(L McDonald)
Picky-picky head go buy new head
Picky-picky head you are natty dread
They used to tease I on the way to school
Down the road I had to act real cool
Calling me names to them it's just a game, whoa yes
One day I know I'm gonna have some fame, whoa oh oh whoay
Picky-picky head go buy new head, them used to say
Picky-picky head you are natty dread, whoa oh oh whoay
Bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam
Bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam
Bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam
Bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam
No one would play, they all stayed away, whoa yes
Julie Brown treat me like a clown (juicy come out from town)
But now I'm getting so big and well known, whoa yes
Have to pay just to get me in town, whoa oh oh whoay
Picky-picky head go buy new head, always teasing me
Picky-picky head you are natty dread, whoa oh oh whoay
Picky-picky head go buy new head, them used to say
Picky-picky head you are natty dread, whoa oh oh whoay
Bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam
Bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam
Bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam
Bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam
Who is angry against who?
It's just another name calling game that they play
Words of wisdom and action speaks louder than words
Now you look like a superstar (who you are?)
Them come from near Lord, them come from far
Some a them say them a you long lost friend, whoa yes
But if you go down, you'll never see them again, whoa oh oh whoay
Bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam
Bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam
Bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam
Bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam
Picky-picky head go buy new head, them used to say
Picky-picky head you are natty dread, always teasing me
Picky-picky head go buy new head, them used to say
Picky-picky head you are natty dread, whoa oh oh whoay
Bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam
Bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam
Bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam
Bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam
Bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam
Bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam
Bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam
Bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam
Picky-picky head go buy new head, them used to say
Picky-picky head you are natty dread, whoa oh oh whoay
Picky-picky head go buy new head, them used to say
Picky-picky head you are natty dread, whoa oh oh whoay
Bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam
Bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam
Bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam
Bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam, bam-biddle-bam
Picky Picky Head Lyrics
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