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Danny Boy Song Lyrics
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Your skin is cold But the sun shines within your hold Your hair is gold But you see through a goldfish bowl I feel old, sick, and tired We walk the streets Gently staring, wondering what to do The sun in sheets Pouring down those streets to eyes green and blue And a ship with eight sails could come round the bend Or a heard of bulls charging stoplights red I'd be blind You broke my heart, danny boy Not your fault, danny boy I was had at the doorstep Played, like a two to a four-set Had, like poor job in the bible by god Day comes, i wake I wake with a hard heartache I go down to your place We sit and chat about new york And trips to the bayou My smile, a trick Tricking me and trying not to scare you And a ship with eight sails could come round the bend Or a heard of bulls charging stoplights red I'd be blind You broke my heart, danny boy Not your fault, danny boy I was had at the doorstep Played, like a two to a four-set Had, like poor job in the bible by god
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