Wakefield - Loser With A Coupon Lyrics

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Artist: Wakefield
Song Title: Loser With A Coupon
Visits: 669
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She said she likes me,
She wants to be with me
But she was just kidding
It's pretty funny, she left with my money
Now I'm broke and I'm just a joke
Here's my coupon
Here's my coupon

At the back of the line,
Waited and hung my head in shame.
She's a hole in my pocket,
And I'm running out of change.
If I had know then all the things that I know now,
I would've pawned my innocence,
And lost the keys to my house.

She said she likes me,
She wants to be with me
But she was just kidding
It's pretty funny, she left with my money
Now I'm broke and I'm just a joke
Here's my coupon
Here's my coupon

The cashier yelled at me,
B/c I was not wearing shoes.
I told her how she took everything,
And how I felt so used.
Paper or plastic,
Is what I waited for her to say.
But it turns out,
That you can't put milk on layaway.

She said she likes me,
She wants to be with me
But she was just kidding
It's pretty funny, she left with my money
Now I'm broke and I'm just a joke
Here's my coupon
Here's my coupon

Everytime I step outside the room I think of you,
Everytime everytime everytime.
Everytime I step outside the room I think of you,
Everytime everytime everytime
Everytime oh yeah,
Oh everytime

She said she likes me,
She wants to be with me
But she was just kidding
It's pretty funny, she left with my money
Now I'm broke and I'm
just a, just a, just a

She said she likes me,
She wants to be with me
But she was just kidding
It's pretty funny, she left with my money
Now I'm broke and I'm just a joke
Here's my coupon
Here's my coupon
Here's my coupon
Here's my coupon

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Other Wakefield song Lyrics
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  • Everywhere You Look
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    How did I get to living here?
    Somebody tell me please!..."
  • Fall To Pieces
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    I have some time to kill
    Before we go our seperate ways
    I promise not to forget you..."
  • Girls Rock Boys
    "Forgiveness is where it begins
    You have none
    And I am wearing thin
    Something's got to give..."
  • Give Me A Reason
    "Now the year is almost over,
    nothing left to keep me sober,
    suck it up,
    where am i going now..."

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