Walk To Remember - If You Believe Lyrics

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Artist: Walk To Remember
Song Title: If You Believe
Visits: 662
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I close my eyes and even when Im sleeping Im alright
Cause you are in my life
Once upon a time
I only imagined this
And now youre mine
Wished for you so hard
Pray that youd find me
Maybe youre here today
Here to remind me

If you believe that dreams come true
Theres one thats waiting there for you
Cause I believed when I saw you that when you want something enough
Then it cant escape your love
There is nothing in the world that cannot be
If you believe

Everybody said that I was a fool to think that we connect
(Everybody said that) I couldnt get my heart out of my head
They just didnt see
No they just couldnt know
The feeling that you get
The places that you go

If you believe that dreams come true
Theres one thats waiting there for you
Cause I believed when I saw you
That when you want something enough
Then it cant escape your love
There is nothing in the world that cannot be
If you believe

Never wished for material things
Never needed wind in my wings
I never wished for anything but you....
I cant explain it
Someone just told me
Go where your heart is youll never be lonely

If you believe that dreams come true
Theres one thats waiting there for you
Cause I believed when I saw you that when you want someone enough
Then they cant escape your love
There is nothing in the world that cannot be
If you believe

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Other Walk To Remember song Lyrics
  • All The Times
    "All The Times
    All the times she talked of death
    All the times she talked of him
    All the times she cut herself..."
  • Cry
    "I'll always remember
    It was late afternoon
    It lasted forever
    You were all by yourself..."
  • Dancin In The Moonligh
    "We get it almost every night
    When that moon is big and bright
    It's a supernatural delight
    Everybody's dancing in the moonlight..."
  • Dare You To Move
    "Welcome to the planet
    Welcome to existence
    Everyone's here
    Everyone's here..."
  • Its Gonna Be Love
    "It's gonna be me, baby!
    It's gonna be you, baby!
    Time I've been patient for so long...
    How can I pretend to be so strong?..."
  • Learning To Breathe
    "Hello, good morning, how you do?
    What makes your risin' sun so new?
    I could use a fresh beginning too
    All of my regrets are nothing new..."
  • Mother We Just Cant Get Enough
    "Theres something about you,
    Tears me inside out whenever you're around
    There's something about you
    Speeding through my veins until we hit the ground..."
  • No One
    "Well I cannot ever really believe
    no one was out to get me
    I feel like I'm being erased
    no one got left here..."
  • ...Show All

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