Wall Of Voodoo - Spy World Lyrics

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Artist: Wall Of Voodoo
Song Title: Spy World
Visits: 643
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well there's that man, he's got everything that he needs
and when the world is falling in he'll never bleed
he goes by jones in istanbul and smith in peru
his job's never through

it's time to start this little game of cat and mouse
and try to keep one step ahead / there's strangers in the house
his watch is really a radio, his gun a pen
he knows that it's all gone, no mom, nobody wins

spy world / spy world / spy world / spy world

(I'm kinda tired of wearing these sunglasses

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Other Wall Of Voodoo song Lyrics
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  • Do It Again
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    the conversation turns to girls we knew when
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  • Factory
    "now i know i had something to say but the problem is to say something
    uhh...you gotta say it
    and i still don't remember a thing since that funny gas
    came out of that pipe next to me / i guess they didn't ok it..."
  • Far Side of Crazy
    "I'm Pilot and Jesus
    And I wept when Lennon died
    Yet I envied his assailant
    When I visited the shrine..."
  • Hands Of Love
    "on a crowded street or from a passing car
    i can see the world from where i am
    people stand in line so they can buy their things
    they buy a vegetable or a can..."
  • Look At Their Way
    "look at the way they're walking / all those people around are giving me looks
    they keep a big secret on the quiet side / where's the nearest place to hide?
    look at their way
    been around long enough now / and they'll be around after everyone's gone..."
  • Lost Weekend
    "driving out of vegas in their automobile
    she was in the backseat while he was at the wheel
    with the windows wide open
    all the money from the store they'd gambled away..."
  • Mexican Radio
    "I feel a hot wind on my shoulder
    And the touch of a world that is older
    I turn the switch and check the number
    I leave it on when in bed I slumber..."

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